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"Del where you at?" Buddha questions as he enters the house.

"Up here!" I tell him, lighting another scented candle. I have a surprise all set up for Buddha for when he got home. He called me an hour ago, letting me know that he was going to grab us something to eat. I don't really have much of an appetite but I wasn't going to tell him that. I needed time to decorate the room. When I took Ms. Ari to her ophthalmologist the other day, I went out and got the things I needed. I knew Buddha would be out mostly all day, so I had time to set this up. Coming and going from Ms. Ari's for the past four months, woke me up to what this man's been going through. Taking care of Ms. Ari is a twenty-four hour job. She's a sweet woman, but sometimes she has her days. Especially when she doesn't take her medicine. I have to sweet talk her to do it but Buddha informed me on why she hates taking it. The medicine makes her feel funny. I know of somewhat how she feels. Ms. Ari and I have been here all day and she hasn't given me any trouble. I ran her a bath, cleaned up the house and cooked a couple of times. Tonight the only thing I have to do now is make sure she eats dinner and gets in the bed. Right now she's resting which gives Buddha and myself some time alone. Heavy footsteps trample up the steps notifying Buddha's approach. The knob turns and I witness him walk through the door.

"You not...gone...come...downstairs and...eat?" He questions confused, looking around at the blue lit room and the lit scented candles. His eyes then land on me as I'm dressed in royal blue lingerie set with a silk robe to match. I travel over towards him and crack the door as he steps further into the room.

"Welcome home." Buddha turns around and smiles.

"You mind telling me what all this is for." Pushing his chest to have a seat on the bed, I kneel down and remove his boots and socks.

"A little something to help you relax. Now go change into this and meet me back here." I order, handing him a towel. He stands to his feet, going to do as told. I check the small heating device where I heated the oil. Once I feel that it's warm, I turn off the device and unplug it. Buddha reenters the room and closes the door and I open it up to crack it.

"How you want me?" Buddha questions as I travel towards him.

"Lay on your stomach." He nods and lays out, on the bed. He props his head up on his arms. I straddle his back and put a little of the oil on his back. He groans and lays his head on the side while closing his eyes.

"Too hot?" I question while placing the bowl on the table I have set by the bed.

"Nah. That shit feels just right." He lowers his voice causing me to bite my lip. I begin to massage his back with the oil, making sure to press in the pressure points. He makes noises every now and then, notifying me that it feels good.

"You're so tense. Especially right up
in here." I press my thumbs in his lower back, watching the muscles in his back flex.

"Damn. Those hands will make you say some shit you'd regret." I giggle lightly and tilt my head a bit.

"You want to make me your wife?" He chuckles while propping his head back up on his arms.

"I would have to make you mine first." Nodding, I massage my hands up his to shoulders and begin to massage them.

"You know, this is why I'm doing this so we can talk about us."

"Mm. What exactly are you thinking?"

"That you and I should make this official." Buddha grunts as I press my thumbs into his lower back. I rub my hands back up to his neck and arms.

"Hold up." He tells me. I do as told as sit up a bit. Buddha turns over on his back and pulls me down on his waist. He stares up at me while placing his hands on my thighs

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