One Last Night

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She took a drink of the whiskey and popped the top of her the bottle of pills. She ingested half the bottle and a whole bottle of whiskey in about half an hour; after which she picked up the phone and called the love of her life.

"Hello?" said a sleepy voice.



"Yeah, it's me. I just wanted to say something."

"Okay, I love you but make it quick, it's three am."

"I can't take anymore, I'm done. No more pain. I'll be watching out for you, but you just need to move one. Goodbye. I love you."

And she clicked the phone off. It rang again and she ignored it, ignoring her boyfriend who was scared for his girlfriends life. She picked up a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to her family.

'Dear Momma, Daddy, and Brother,

I can't take anymore,

The pain is too much.

I'm done, done with it all. Don't cry over me. I'm in a better place now.

Find the lyrics to Fiction, a song by Avenged Sevenfold and read them. It says the words I cannot express. I love you.


With that she slit her wrists with her trusted knife and let the blood drip, let it flow like a waterfall. She closed her eyes and said,

"Goddess, please let my life end quickly. Please take me into your arms, take me to Summerland. Blesséd Be."

Those were the last words she ever spoke, or so she hoped.

Kammie slowly opened her eyes. She looked around, everything was white: the bright lights, the walls, the dress that she was wearing, the blanket that covered her, everything.

'I made it,' she thought to herself, 'I made it to Summerland.' She sat up to unfold her wings. She flexed her shoulder blades and the muscles surrounding them. She didn't feel them unfold, she reached back to feel the wings, they weren't there. There were no wings. She reached up to feel for the horns on top of her head. There were no horns. No horns and no wings? She couldn't possibly be a Relic. If she wasn't a Relic, then what was she?

She looked around the room; this wasn't Summerland. She looked back behind her there was a bag of liquid hanging from a pole and it was attached with a tube to her arm, there was something beeping to her left, there was some tube thing wrapped around her face, she looked around again. This definitely wasn't Summerland.

She realized that this was the hospital. She hadn't made it to Summerland, she had failed. She was stuck on Earth still. She sighed as she pulled the needle from her arm and the tubing from her nose. She unclipped the thing on her finger and got up. She swayed for a second, but steadied herself as she got up to leave. She wandered into the hallway. Watching a people bustled about. One young lady, whom Kammie presumed to be a nurse, comes over to her and says,

"Kammie? What you doing out of bed? How long have you been awake?"

"I want to go home." Kammie replied.

"We can't let you do that, sweetheart. You're pretty sick right now. Plus, you're on a 72-hour psychiatric hold."

"I'm not sick. I'm up and walking around. I want to go home."

"I'll get the doctor, he has more authority than I do."

The nurse walked out and returned a moment later with a man walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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