Chapter 3: The Silk Manuscript

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welp... it's been a very long time ... I've been focusing more on my channel for the last year  (link in my bio if you'd like to support me there) but i'm back now and trying to get through this book once again so fingers crossed it will happen this time :)
Last chapter (Chased in Mongolia)

Wu Xie and Jr High get chased all the way through Mongolia by Nings men, who are trying to steal the OX relic away from them. During the chase they meet Fatty who helps them out. out of nowhere a mysterious man shows up and helps out Wu Xie and his friend making Ning retreat. Once Wu Xie and Jr High make their journey back home they find a piece of silk in the OX and decide to keep it and take the OX head to the Administration of Cultural Relic Preservation.

_In Wu Xie's kitchen_

High Jr: Whats wrong?

Wu Xie : We donated the OX head to the Cultural Relic Protection and Management Institute three days ago.

Wu Xie says as he makes himself a sandwich in his small kitchen while Jr looks listening to him from upstairs.

Wu Xie : But there has been no news report on that up to now

Wu Xie started to get suspicious of what was going on as there would always be some kind of report on a new Relic entering the Institute (CRPMI)

High Jr : You want to be famous?

Jr laughs at Wu Xie

Wu Xie : If I wanted to be famous, I would have let everyone know that I was the one who donated the OX

High Jr: Such a big event happened, but still so new on it... kind of suspicious don't you think?

Jr says while munching on his cheese sandwich pressed against the staircase railing

Wu Xie : Well the only reason could be that the OX head isn't really that special

High Jr : WHAT? Nothing special? Then why did we risk our lives trying to bring it back all the way from Mongolia

At this point Jr was quite confused and frustrated at why they had to go through all that struggle for Xie to say it was nothing special. Wu Xie being the calm headed person he is replies calmly

Wu Xie : That''s not what I mean, I mean sure it's a cultural relic in terms of it's appearance, preservation condition and archaeological value, but ... it has nothing special.

Wu Xie : Since it has nothing that special about it then why did those mercenaries refuse to retreat and chased us all the way through Mongolia?

Wu Xie started to think out loud on why Nings men wanted the OX head so bad if it was presumed to not even be report worthy... what was so special or ordinary about it that they wanted it...

High Jr: If you're right and it really isn't anything special then why did that pretty head female merc care about it so much ?

Wu Xie connected some of the dots and though of a possible theory on why Ning chased them

Wu Xie: Could it be about the Silk Manuscript?

They both head over to Wu Xie's study and take out the manuscript placing it on his desk to look for clues

Wu Xie: If their target really is the Silk manuscript, then there has to be important information in it.

High Jr : You think this information has more value than the OX head?

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