Chapter 4: The Beginning

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Last chapter (the Silk Manuscript)

Wu Xie, High Jr and Chencheng find the missing piece of the silk manuscript, they don't realise that theres a bigger meaning to it than just a simple piece of silk. What happens when Wu Xies house gets trashed and the Script is stolen? and where did ChenCheng go missing ? Was she kidnapped?


_Wu Xie's House_

The next morning  ChenCheng goes missing, making both Wu Xie and High Jr suspect that she was taken by the same people who stole the script. Wu Xie proceeds to call his uncle and explains what happened just after he came back from his uncles house the night before.

Wu Xie: I though about it, and I don't think it's best to call the police now.  Besides if it wasn't for me this would have never happened in the first place.

Wu Xie: I decided that I wont let those grave robbers find the ancient tomb first, so I came to the decision that I need your help to find the specific location of the ancient tomb ahead of them uncle

Wu Xie: I hope we can protect the cultural relics together. That should be our best choice

Wu Xie said proudly, hoping his Uncle would agree to help him find the location of the ancient tomb.

Uncle: So, I  help you find the location of the Tomb...

Three said summarising Wu Xies proposal

Wu Xie: Correct

Uncle: ... and you want me to protect the cultural relics with you?

Wu Xie: Yupp

Wu Xie says while forming his fingers into 'okay' signs

Uncle: I knew I shouldn't haven come here. Lets just hope I don't regret this later

Uncle three says while sliding his hand down his face in a tired manner

Uncle: Alright, pack your stuff were heading out next morning as soon as possible, this time don't be late. I want to see you 7:00am sharp

______ Time Skip_______

_The Next Morning_

They both take their stuff they packed the night before and head out to the street seeing Uncle Three already waiting for them by his golden Infiniti

Wu Xie: Morning Uncle~

High Jr: Morning

They both say to Uncle Three while receiving nothing more than a head nod from Three while he fills the trunk with his gear

Three then takes a look at the two and notices the amount of luggage they both took

Uncle: Why are you taking so many things? we're not going on holiday

Wu Xie: These are all his things, or as he calls them, his instruments

He says while pointing his head towards High Jr and stuffing his luggage into the trunk of the car

High Jr: Here Uncle, this is an amulet, its a gift for you

High Jr turns away from the trunk after stuffing his 'instruments' inside and gives Three the amulet.

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