chapter 33

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Three months later

''Suwaiba, how many times do you want me to tell you to stop keeping her pacifier open without the cover!'' Layla said to Sabrina's nanny. "Baki san datti yana hawa Kai ba?"

''Aunty mantawa nayi, sorry." The nanny replied with her head bent low.

Layla just shook her head and picked her phone which was ringing. "Maama Layls." Came ibty's voice.

''Maama Rahinatu, what's up?''

''Nothing much. How's my little chuchu?''

''She is fine Alhamdulillah, she's taking her afternoon nap''

''Aww, kiss her for me''

''Inshallah, how's Uncle Ahmad?'' Layla asked of her husband.

''He is fine too, whatcha doing?" Ibty asked

''Absolutely nothing, I am bored, Sabrina is asleep. Why don't you come over tomorrow inshallah''

Ibty and Layla live in the same area. Her house is about 5 minutes drive from Layla's.

''Sure, will tell Moh inshallah. Now bye'' She said. Layla said okay and disconnected the call. She checked a few things on her phone, replied some messages and other stuff.

''Ramatu!" She called her other maid, she answered and came

''Please wash two cups of basmati for me and bring out one agric chicken and wash it'' She said to her. She nodded and left

It's almost Maghreb, Muhammad will soon be back from work and She gotta cook dinner. She decided to cook Teriyaki chicken with ginger chive rice and Freeform apple tart .

Sabrina is still taking a nap so She'll cook in peace. She is currently chatting with Norah telling her to buy a beige Micheal Kors handbag She wanted for so long.

Layla- Please baby sis

Norah- Okay fine!! I'll get it for you and give ya Muhammad when he's coming back next week inshallah

Layla- Yay! Thank you!

Norah- Where is my little Chuchu

Layla- She's taking a nap

They talked for a while before She excused herself to the kitchen to cook dinner. She's already finished cooking the rice and the apple tart. She is now working on the chicken, it is almost done too.

She heard Muhammad's voice in the living room making a phone call. She went out of the kitchen to the living room. She saw him standing looking as handsome as ever. He smiled when he saw her enter, She went and sat down on the couch next to where he is standing. He finished his call and sat next to her.

''Hi, baby." He said giving her a peck on the lips.

''Hey, how was work?''

He sighed. "Stressful, as usual."

''Why don't you go and freshen up and go to the mosque'' She said to him standing up.

He did that and came downstairs and had his dinner. It's almost past midnight so they decided to retire for the night. Sabrina was up and went back to sleep around 11pm.

Muhammad and Layla went upstairs, they branched sabrinah's room first to check on her before going to their bedroom. He gently opened the door so that the sound should not wake her up, there she is sleeping peacefully in her baby crib.

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