The Search

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Here's another new chapter of 'Lost Ninja.' Also thanks to everyone for reading my story. Enjoy the story and please comment on it. There always funny to read. 😊😉🤩😎

Nya woke up early in the morning. She would normally hated waking up early in the morning, but today was different. She needed to find her beloved blue ninja today. She quickly got dressed in her ninja suit and went downstairs.

As soon as she was downstairs, she was surprised. The others were already up and looked ready to find her boyfriend.

"What look so long sleepyhead?" Kai asked and handed her a granola bar for breakfast.

"How long as you guys been up?" Nya asked as she ate her breakfast.

"About an hour." Lloyd said.

"We think we know what happened to Jay." Cole said, with a smile.

Nya stopped eating for a moment, grabbed Cole by his shirt, and started shaking him while saying "What happened to him?!?!"

Once she calmed down enough, Zane said "His lightning bike isn't here, meaning he took it with him. And you installed trackers on all our vehicles incase an of them were to be stolen."

"So we just find the location of the tracker on the bike, then we find Jay!!" Nya said excitedly.

She wasted no time and immediately went to her computer, to see where the lightning bike was. The others stood around her, waiting to hear where their brother was.

"Okay, it says that Jay's lightning bike is somewhere around Wildwood Forest and the Forest of Tranquility." Nya said and closed her computer.

"Then let's get there and start looking for him." Cole said, in a 'let's do this' voice.

They all quickly summoned their elemental dragons and left for the forests. No spoke the whole way there. It was quite unsettling for them for it to be so quiet. It just made them miss Jay more.

They soon reached the forests, and looked for the lightning bike. Although it was hard, considering how far Jay rode the bike. They followed the tire tracks left by the bike.

They eventually ended up by the cliff. They carefully made their way down it and saw the wreckage. Thankfully and unfortunately for them, their lightning brother wasn't there.

Nya, Lloyd, and Cole were looking around the area, for clues while Kai and Zane were looking around the bike, for anything. But they were all having no luck.

"This is hopeless!" Kai yelled, extremely frustrated. "We'll never find anything around the bike!"

Zane looked at his friend and said "Perhaps someone found Jay, and took him somewhere."

"What makes you think that?" Kai asked.

"The marks leading away from the bike that look like someone dragging something." Zane said and smirked. Kai groaned for not noticing them before.

"Hey guys, we found some tracks!" Kai yelled to the other. Nya immediately rushed over, followed by Cole and Lloyd.

"Let's find where they lead!" Nya said and began to follow the tracks, but they didn't get far. They heard a noise coming from the bushes.

"What is that?" Lloyd asked and pulled his ninja mask over his head.

"A cute little bunny?" Kai said, pulling his mask over his face along with the others.

Kai was wrong yet again. Instead of a cute little bunny hopping out, out came a bear. Kai had been very wrong.

For a moment, both the ninja and bear stood completely still. "What are we supposed to do?" Cole asked, but still didn't move.

The bear had had enough waiting and charged at them. "RUN!!!" Lloyd said, and they all ran off like rockets. After about an hour of running, the bear just left them alone, but not before they were far away from the tracks.

"Let's go back and find those tracks." Nya said and started to walk back, but Kai grabbed her arm.

"I'm sorry sis, but it's getting late, and by the time we get over there, it'll be completely dark." Kai said.

"We can't leave Jay out here all by himself." Nya said trying to walk away, but keep getting pulled back by her brother.

"Nya, there is a eighty nine percent change that Jay was taken by some, and is fine." Zane said, trying to calm Nya down, but it did the opposite.

"And that means there's a chance that he could still be out there, hurt, or lost, or worse." Nya said, still attempting to get away from Kai and look some more.

"I'm with Nya on this one, there's a chance Jay could be hurt and you all just want to give up and leave him out here?" Cole said and stood by Nya, who finally got Kai to let go of her.

Everyone turned to Lloyd. "Well Lloyd, looks like you're the deciding vote." Kai said.

Lloyd was torn. He wanted to find Jay, and make sure he's safe, but he also didn't want to go a whole night without sleep, he hardly slept last night when he heard Jay was missing. Then an idea came to him.

"I think I have a compromise." Lloyd said and smiled. His friends just looked at him, wondering what he could be thinking.

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