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      Hi my people! I'm taking down all my parts about the name raffle a long time ago because people KEEP POSTING names even though it says May 14 2018, which was six months ago. I'm also going to use this to tell you about a NEW raffle. The person who wins will get a story (short or extended, depending on winner's choice) about their OC, that is written by yours truly. To enter, all you need do is send me a PM that includes your OC form, as well as some defining factors, personality traits, and past experiences. (It also helps to take one of those personality tests as your character and copy and paste the results). If I feel like you've given me enough information, I'll put your username in a hat with others and pick one out randomly. Also, feel free to enter as a scavenger, too!

      If I feel like I can't write anything based on the information you've provided, I'll ask for more and if there's not really any more, and I can't stress this enough, even the best authors cannot write a story about a character they don't know enough about. The raffle will close December 18th. I will accept no entries on the 19th or later. Please refrain from hating all over my profile if you don't get picked or if I don't feel like you've given me sufficient information about or OC. It happened last time I did something like this, and I'm not looking forward to that again.

      ANYWAY... Thank you all for your support to help me get this far, and I hope you all stick around for the next part, because it's about our favorite Hivewing, Cricket!

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