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"Grace you suck at this game" alex whined.
"What do you mean, I'm like the queen of fortnite" grace shot back sarcastically.
"Whatever I don't wanna play with you anymore I'm gonna have Jason come down"
"How rude" grace said fake pouting. She ran her hand through her her little brothers hair and left the room.
"Mom" she called as she went down the steps.
"In here honey" she called from the kitchen where she was doing dishes.
"Do you need help with anything?"
"No grace I'm sure I can handle some dishes, why don't you go to your friends for a little while you never go out anymore"
Grace just rolled her eyes in response
"I think I'm gonna study for biology"
"What else is new" her mom remarked.
"Don't get me wrong I love having a responsible daughter, but I want one who's happy and having fun your 16 get out and do stuff be involved this is the time of your life your gonna remember".
"I know mom, I know" she smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Sooo" her mom said turning back to the dishes.
"I'll text Riley and tell her I'm coming over"
"Okay, have fun be safe, I love you"
"I love you too, I'm gonna sleep over if that's okay, I understand if-"
"Bye mom" she said grabbing her keys off the counter"

Saving graceWhere stories live. Discover now