9 - Are you serious? (3)

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At morning

'Hey girl! Get up!' I call and knock on the door. A few moments later Ruby suddenly opens the door and say 'Are you crazy? It is 4.30 a.m.!' I ignore the unrespectful words and say 'When do you think I go to work kid? In the middle of the day? No, I am at HQ at 5 a.m. everyday!' She hesitates a moment and thinks about it. 'Well' she says 'for my sake...'

10 minutes later

She sit down on the kitchen table. There is a donut on her place. 'Wow! My favorite breakfast. How do you know?' She asks
'You should know that I know all.' I say
and type something on my watch.
'Do you eat nothing?" She asks.
'No. I have to train some young agents. I don't wanna eat something before that.'
'You train ?' She asks
'Of course I do. But just sometimes and just the special forces.' I say
'Could you show me some tricks?' She asks excited. I think about it.
'Maybe later but now we have to go.'

9 a.m.

'So ...I am done!' says Ruby and put some papers on my desk. I look at her.
'Can we train now?' She asks
'At first, I never said I WOULD show you something and second, I have to work!'
I point at the many files on my desk.
'Please!' She says and smile on me in a 'cute' way.
'That doesn't work out Redfort!' I say
'But, okay. You have freetime for the rest of the day. I don't need you in Spectrum for today. So come back at 4 p.m. and we will see.'
'I am free ?' She asks 'Don't you have to comply some rules?'
'We are a secret service and I am the boss so I decide and, anyway, who should check that? The police? A secret service?' I say
'Then see you later, LB!' she say and then she is gone.

POV: Ruby

It is almost 4 and I am back at Spectrum HQ. I ask for LB but she had been called away on urgent business so I have to wait for her. Nearly 15 minutes later LB walks down the hallway. 'I thought you are always punctual.' I say
'I thought you are always late.' She says
'Get on your feet and come with me.'

We reached the dojo. LB takes off her long, white jacket. She wears pretty sporty clothes: white top, white trousers and as always barefoot. I wear a T-shirt with 'I am not shy ... I really don't wanna talk to you' writen on it. She is looking at me. I want to know what she is thinking.
She is pretty trained ... that's why she always wear these jackets ! To hide that!
Darn it!
We take our places opposite each other. She looks at me and waits.
I attack her with me good-trained and well-aimed kicks. It doesn't take her 15 seconds to take me down.
'That was a weak performance, Redfort!'
She says. 'You have much more power than me!' I say.
'It not always depends on power, Redfort. This is one of the martial arts where you don't need much power. Of course it is usefull but not necessary. You use the anatomy of the human body and the power of your opponent against him. There are much more brutal techniques and you could kill you opponent I am sure, but I don't want to show you that. You have to know what your enemy will do next. Look him in the eyes and you will know.' She says
'Yeah you can say that! It seems like you can read peoples minds but I can't!' I say
'You can do it. Listen to your gut instinct. Clancy would tell you this too.' She says
'How can you k...' I stop. If I ask I will get the same answer as everytime.
'You need still a lot of training.' She says
The training with LB is way harder than the training with, let us say Hitch. But he is kinder too so it is just logical. After one hour I am done. I look at LB 'How can you be so fit at your age?' I ask
She looks confused and then she raises an eyebrow... 'How old do you think I am?' She asks. Oh! Dangerous question.
'Maybe 55-57?' I say carefully.
She shakes her head.
'Kid... I am 46!' She says

To be continued...

Ruby Redfort (LBaker) -Remember me- Fanfiction/oneshots Where stories live. Discover now