Chapter One

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Anthony Edward Stark (Tony/Dad/Daddy)
DOB: May 29, 1970
Age: 48
Height: 5'8 1/2" (5 foot, 8 and 1/2 inches)
Weight: 172 pounds
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Soft Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Steven Grant Rogers (Steve/Papa/Poppy)
Birthday: July 4th, 1918
Age: 37/100
Hair Color: Blonde/Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Height: 6'0" (6 foot)
Weight: 194 pounds
Anthony Kindred Stark (Kindred/Kenny)
Birthday: April 15, 2002
Age: 16
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Soft Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7" (5 foot, 7 inches)
Weight: 107.2 pounds
Woodland Grant Stark (Woodland/Woody/Woods)
Birthday: April 15, 2002
Age: 16
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Soft Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7" (5 foot, 7 inches)
Weight: 107.2 pounds
Jonah Crysell Stark (/Jonah/Joan/Jones)
Birthday: May 8, 2013
Age: 5
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel Green
Height: 3'8" (3 foot, 8 inches)
Weight: 40 pounds
Steven Lynch Stark (Stevie Lynn/Lynch/Lynn/Lynny)
Birthday: May 8, 2013
Age: 5
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel Green
Height: 3'8" (3 foot, 8 inches)
Weight: 40 pounds
It was Friday afternoon and it was a normal day in the Stark Household. The older twins were in the living room with the younger twins, listening to music and dancing. Tony was in the basement, working. Steve was in the kitchen making dinner.

"Woody I'm hungry!" Lynch said and tugged on Woodlands sleeve. "Let's go see if Papa is done with dinner!" Woodland said and stopped the music. Jonah grabbed Woodlands hand and Lynch grabbed Kindreds hand and the four of them walked to the kitchen.

"Poppy!" Jonah cheered as he saw Steve. Jonah let go of Woodland's hand and ran to the older man. "Hey baby!" Steve commented with a smile, looking down at the boy who hugged his leg. "Up!" Jonah said and reached for Steve to hold him. "I'm cooking baby, I'll let you sit on my lap while we eat," Steve told the five year old. Steve sighed.

Jonah was always a Papas boy like Woodland. Kindred was a daddy's boy. Lynch didn't prefer one over the other.

"No Poppy, up!" Jonah while and tugged the bottom of hid shirt. "Jonah, let Poppy make dinner!" They heard Tony say as he entered the kitchen. "No!" Jonah screamed and tugged Steve's shirt some more. Steve looked at Tony with pleading eyes and Tony nodded. "No! I want Poppy!" Jonah screamed and Tony picked him up. "Jones, calm down, baby!" Tony said and walked out of the room with him as the boy screamed for Steve.

"Poppy?" Lynch asked and put his hands on the counter as he stood on a little stool to see what Steve was doing. "Yes baby?" Steve asked as he stirred to noodles. "What you making?" The boy asked. "Spaghetti," Steve said. "Yay!" Lynch cheered and threw his hands in the air cause Steve to smile at him. "Woodland, can you set the table?" Steve asked, looking at his seconds oldest who was texting his friends. "Sure," Woodland replied and put his phone in his pocket. He got the plates and set the table.

"Wanna go get Daddy and tell him foods ready?" Steve asked Lynch. The boy nodded before running out of the room. "You okay, Kindred?" Steve asked as he put the spaghetti on the plates. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Kindred said softly. "You sure?" Steve asked him. "Yeah," Kindred replied with a smile. Steve nodded, not fully believing the boy. He kissed his oldest on the head before sitting in his chair at the head of the table.

"Poppy!" He heard. He looked over and saw Jonah reach for him from Tonys arms. Steve smiled and Tony put the boy on the ground. Jonah ran over to Steve and the man lifted his son onto his lap. Tony took his seat at the other end of the table. Both parents where at each end of the table. Kindred sat on Tonys left with Lynch next to him and on Steve's right. Jonah normally sat on Steve's left but tonight the boy sat in is Papas lap while Woodland sat in his normal spot across from Kindred and on Tonys right.

"Looks good Steve!" Tony complimented and took a bite of the food. "Taste good too!" He said with his mouth full. "Thank you, Tony. But, don't talk with your mouth full!" Steve told his husband. Tony saluted Steve and continued to eat, causing not just Steve but everyone to laugh. "Daddy funny!" Jonah said as Steve helped feed the boy, who refused to feed himself.

"Yes he is baby, now, come on eat!" Steve said and the boy continued to eat. "How's school, Kenny?" Tony asked. "Uh, it's fine. School is school," the teenager replied, confusing both parents.

Kindred normally liked school and was excited to tell them what they did in music that day or what he had for lunch or even some jokes that he and his friends told. But, today the boy wasn't very talkative.

"Are you okay, Kindred?" Tony asked, now worried about his son. "I'm fine," Kindred simply replied. Tony and Steve looked at each other. Steve gave Tony a look that said, talk to him later. Tony nodded at him and ruffled Kindreds hair.

"What about you Woody? How's school?" Steve asked. Woodland and Kindred made eye contact before Kindred looked back down. "It's good. Music is fun. Played guitar today. Got a 100% on my math test," Woodland said. "That's great baby!" Steve cheered. Woodland smiled and looked at his food. He eye'd Kindred and saw his twin was still upset. Woodland let out an inaudible sigh and continued to eat.

Soon, the family finished eating and Kindred went to his room. The twins went to their playroom and Woodland helped clean up with Tony and Steve.

"Woody?" Steve asked, getting the boys attention. "Yeah?" Woodland replied and looked at his Papa. "Do you know what's going on with Kindred? He doesn't seem himself," Steve asked. Woodland sighed. "I promised I wouldn't tell you. That I'd let him tell you when he's ready," Woodland told him. Tony groaned. "Sometimes," He started and looked at Woodland. "I hate that you're so loyal!" He added as he and his son made eye contact. Woodland laughed and looked away.

After they finished cleaning the kitchen, Steve and Tony put the younger twins to bed and told Woodland goodnight. The two parents went up to Kindreds room and knocked.

"Kenny?" Steve asked. When they got no reply, they opened the door. They coo'd when they saw their oldest asleep on his stomach with his arm hanging off of the bed. They smiled at him and decided to wait to talk to him in the morning. They both kissed his head before leaving the boy to sleep. The two lovers went to their room and went to sleep themselves. Tony complained and tried to go to the Basement to work but Steve forced him to go to bed as well.

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