Chapter Two

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The next morning was like any other Saturday morning. The younger twins where up and jumping around before seven while the older twins slept till 9:30 or ten.

It came as no surprise when Steve suddenly felt a body jump on him, along with Tony. Steve opened his eyes to see Jonah sitting on his chest and Lynch on Tonys.

"Poppy!" The young boy happily cheered when he saw his Papa open his eyes. "Morning baby." Steve said softly with a small yawn. "How did you sleep?" Steve asked him. Jonah did a thumbs up and Steve smiled at him. Steve looked over at Tony and saw that Lynch was laying on his chest while Tony hugged him.

Lynch wasn't always ready to get up when Jonah did, so he would sometimes just fall back asleep while Tony held him. "Lets go make some breakfast!" Steve said quietly. Jonah nodded and hopped off the bed while Steve carefully stood up. He threw on a white shirt and Jonah reached up for the man to carry him.

Steve lifted the boy before leaving the room and walking downstairs with his second youngest in his arms.

"Poppy I want pancakes!" Jonah said as the got to the kitchen. "You do, huh?" Steve replied as he put the boy down. "Uh huh! Blueberry pancakes!" Jonah responded with a nod. "Okay baby, wanna go watch tv while I make them?" Steve asked as he pulled out the ingredients to make the pancakes.

"I wanna help!" Jonah said and climbed on top of the counter. "You do?" Steve asked, even though he knew the answer, and looked at the dirty blonde five year old sitting in the counter next to him. "Uh huh!" Jonah nodded.

"Okay! Can you get the milk for me?" Steve asked and helped the boy of the counter. Jonah ran to the refrigerator and opened it, getting out the half empty gallon of milk. "Here Poppy!" Jonah said and held it up for the man to grab. "Thank You!" Steve said and grabbed it from him. "Can you go wake Daddy up?" Steve asked him. Jonah nodded before running out of the room.

Steve put all the pancakes on a plate and set them on the table along with two glasses and four plastic cups. The younger twins have to drink out of plastic cups so if they dropped it, it won't break. The older twins just like plastic cups better.

"Oh geez!" Steve gasped as he turned around to see his oldest standing in the entrance if the kitchen. "Kindred you scared me!" Steve said and held his chest where his heart is. "Sorry." The teen replied. Steve opened his arms for a hug and the teen hesitated before walking into his Papas arms. Steve hugged the boy while Kindred laid his head on the man's shoulder.

"You okay?" Steve asked him softly and rubbed his back. Kindred nodded and pulled away. "I don't feel good." Kindred said and looked down. "How so?" Steve asked. "Stomach hurts." Kindred replied. Steve frowned and ran his fingers through the boys hair.

"I'm gonna take your temperature." Steve told him before fetching the thermometer. "Kenny!" Kindred heard before a small body crashed into his legs. He looked down.

"Hey Lenny." Kindred said and yawned. "You okay Ken?" Tony asked walking in. "His stomach hurts and I'm gonna take his temperature." Steve replied as he put the thermometer under the boys tongue. "Oh baby!" Tony said softly and kissed his head. Kindred leaned his head back against Tony's chest and closed his eyes.

Tony hugged the boy and rubbed his back. The thermometer beeped and Steve took it out of the boys mouth and read it. "Oh baby, 100.2!" Steve said and put his hand on the boys head. Kindred moaned quietly and sniffled. "I'm gonna take him back to bed." Tony said and picked his son up bridal style. Tony carried the boy back to his room.

Tony tucked his son into bed noticed the boy was fighting sleep. "Go to sleep baby, you're okay." Tony said softly and moved a piece of hair out of his sons face. "Stay with me?" Kindred asked tiredly. "Okay." Tony said softly and crawled into the bed next to him. Kindred immediately snuggled close to Tony and fell deep into sleep. Tony rubbed the boys back and laid with him.

Downstairs, Steve and Woodland where eating with the younger twins. "Is Kindred okay?" Woodland asked as he ate. "I think he's got a stomach bug. He'll be okay." Steve assured the boy. Woodland nodded and continued to eat. "I'm done Poppy!" Jonah said. "Can you go put your plate in the sink?" Steve asked him. Jonah nodded and did as told.

Lynch following not long after. "Poppy can I watch t.v.?" Lynch asked and stood next to the man. "I'll help him!" Woodland offered and stood up. Lynch ran to the living room with Jonah and Woodland turned on Paw Patrol for them.

"Thank You, Woods." Steve said as the boy sat back down to continue eating. "Yeah, no problem." Woodland replied before eating again. It was gonna be a long day, Steve could sense it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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