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So, you've decided to join Crepusculum Somnium. First, we need to go over some very important rules. These are important so we can keep the peace within this family. Please abide by these rules as punishments will be dealt out for not abiding by them.

1. Please respect all leaders. I, Thana, have personally chosen these leaders because I believe they can lead this pack with the utmost care and strength. We all care for the pack and ask for the respect deemed fit for the leaders.

2. Respect each other. You don't necessarily have to like each other. But respect each other enough to be cordial and inviting.

3. Please take smut to pm. There is a pg theme going on with Wattpad, and I wish not to be banned from this fine website because people wish to have sex in my books.

4. Fill out the form before you start roleplaying. This form allows me to know who is a part of the pack and who isn't.

5. Cursing is allowed. Do not go overboard however. The f-word every other word is overboard.

6. Opinions. This is a big thing with me. If you have an opinion about something that is going on, if you don't like something, or you just have something you think would be good for the pack, please pm myself or one of the leaders about it.

7. Have fun! This pack was created to ensure a safe, familial area for creatures of all kind to come and flee from the stress and dangers of the real world.

8. God-modding is NOT tolerated at all. You will have 2 warnings and an opportunity to get the other members to tell you what you're doing wrong. If you still insist on doing it after that, you will be banned from the pack.

9. Should there be a fight between two pack members that results in tensions rising, it is advisable to take a step back and breath before continuing anything. It is best to act calm during this situations, regardless of the problem. Should anything escalate, it should  be brought to the Alpha. This allows for a chance to work out the problem and once again, keep the peace of the pack.

That's all the rules. Very simple. Follow them and we will have a wonderful time in Crepusculum Somnium.

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