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Salina's Pov

Ugh. This Lecture Is Boring. And All I can think about is Jungkook. I haven't seen him in along time. I mean Along time. He left me When We were in Middle School...And We haven't talked since cause he changed his Phone number and changed school's by 7th grade. Oh I forgot to ask for his Number!I Face Palmed my self As I start to remember to get his number. The person Besides me looks at me weirdly. What You haven't seen someone face palm out of no where? I said In My head.

I sigh Out of stress and mentally face palm since the person besides me thinks i'm Weird now. GREAT. As I Get out of my thoughts And Go back to reality My Lecture is Over. Now I have 2 hours to wait for the next one. Maybe I should look around and see If Jungkookies Lecture is done as well. Wait..Isn't he in the music department? I sigh again, Because I Know that I HAVE TO WALK ALL THE FRIKEN WAY TO GET THERE.

It's like Basically The other side of the campus. Ugh. My laziness Won't let me Friken Want to walk there. I Pack Up my things and Leave And as I left I saw Jungkook waiting for me. I was JUNGSHOOK to see him waiting for me already. I walked up to him before any girl realizes that him. I think they already did, Cause I just heard a Girl scream 'JUNGKOOK' out of no where.


A crowed Form Around Him. He's Looking at me While Everyone Is Covering him. I wave At Him. Then He started walking Towards Me Making the Crowed Make room for him to walk through. I just stood there.
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT is going on??!?!?! And Soon he get's to me and The crowed Forms around us with their phones. What's With them?

He Suddenly grabs my hand and takes away from the crowed. "W-Where are we going?" I asked A bit curiously. He Replied"We are gonna get away from them." He starts walking faster Causing me to stumble. He Picks me Up and Let's me Piggy back ride him.
Thats crazy man....Is this even real?!?
A fan Screams "OMG GET HIM HE HAS A GIRL WITH HIM!!!!!". I Look back while Jungkook starts running away. Then Suddenly the Fans start's chasing us. O.MY. LORDY. WHY ARE THEY CHASING HIM?? And Then I lost sight of them Cause Jungkook Has cut to the corner of The hall's. And He Took another. I guess We Lost them; I thought to myself. Then Something In my Mind Hit me. I'm Riding Jungkooks back.

I Start to blush From the thought cause I have never Gotten a piggyback ride from anyone other than my family member's. I know I sound like a loner but Im heavy. Ish.

"J-JungKook Where are we going? And can You please let me down?" He let's Me down and faces me. "We're going to the Library So you can see my special place where nobody goes But our Group members. I want you to meet them." "oh, Okay. Are they really nice?" We started to walk and talk. Luckily There's nobody around in this hallway. "Yeah, Their Very nice. I'll tell you about them.

First We got Rm Or Namjoon. He Is our leader, and can speak English fluent, and likes crabs, and Breaks alot things, And Never get's his hand shaken at interviews." I started to laugh At the thought of something Breaking everything he touches. Jungkook looks at me with a Questionable face. He ask"What's So Funny?" He ask smiling at me. "Oh, I was Thinking of that Rm Guy Touching everything and It breaks every time." I Said All Giggly. He Smiles And Continues Telling be about them. "Next Is Jin, Seokjin. He's Like the mother of our group cause he takes care of us and Watches over us as if we were his kids. He Is A very good cook and Can Help Everyone with Everything. Well Not everything But Yeah You Get it. Right?." I Responded with A nod And He Continues again.

"Then We Have Suga, Min Yoongi. He Is The rapper of the group and he can rap 11.5 syllables per second. And He can Sleep for along time. He Slept for About 20 or 22 Hours Straight." "Dang" I responded. "Yeah He's Very Lazy but hard working too." He Added. "He seems chill." I added as well. "Next we Have J hope, Hoseok. The Sunnshine Of our group who Know's how to cheer everyone up No matter what. But when he is drunk. Uhhh...he's Not really much of a sunshine. NEXT PERSON!" He was going to continue but we have reached the Library.

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