Chapter 2

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"I won't be another notch on ya belt~Don't temp me" ~TXS


I finally made it home after my stand off with Aubrey at the kids school.

When I walked in August was cooking dinner. I didn't saying anything to him.

I just went upstairs and turned on my song, stripped down, and got in the shower.

I really was tired of Aubrey and his damn shenanigans.

"You ok?" I heard August ask.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little aggravated." I said not really wanting to get into it.

He sat on the the toilet an I knew that was his way of letting me know he wanted to know why I was aggravated.

"You know it's just the same shit with Aubrey." I said rinsing off and getting out.

"Des look I am not trying to pressure you into anything, but what are we doing here?" He asked.

This is why I didn't want to bring up Aubrey cause it leads us to this conversation.

"August why do we need a label? I am not even divorced yet." I said a little annoyed.

He just stared at me for a second. He walked out without a word.

I heard the front door close so I knew he had left.

"Shit!" I said out loud.

I am not trying to hurt August or lead him on. I just don't want to jump right into something else without closing that door with Aubrey.

I went downstairs and he was definitely gone.

I ate some of the amazing meal he had cooked. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come back.

I must have dosed off cause when August came back in it was 3:30am.

"Where have you been?" I asked trying not to sound upset.

"At the club." He said going straight upstairs.

I definitely wasn't about to go through this shit again.

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