The Flying Ladybug! (Part 16)

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This story is getting really close to 60 chapters! Granted the chapters are also super short, but no matter! 60 is 60!




Rena Rouge, with the captured Marinette, went first, and just before she went over the edge Dylan caught a glimpse of Marinette's terrified blue eyes and knew he would do whatever it took to get her back.

Ladybug was quick to follow her companions, but before she escaped, she stopped and turned to face them. Armed with a confident smirk, she spoke, "Oh and as for that little comment before. We're pirates, not common thieves!"

With a backwards wave, Ladybug lept off the cliff, and for those that got a full view of her fluttering coat, it looked as if she were flying.

Down below Ladybug hit the water with a splash. Though the water was deep, she still managed to somehow hit the back of her head. Scrambling to Swim to the surface, Marinette caught her breath as an arm clothed in some of the most expensive material helped her into the tiny boat. "Honestly, where would you be without us?" Queen Bee asked exasperatedly, yet fondly. The blonde had quickly thrown off the veil of the dress after she had hit the water.

"Probably getting married to that fancy-schmancy Duke or whatever he is." Rena Rouge added.

"Or planning her own escape. Marinette isn't the type to just sit quietly and wait." Paon joked.

Marinette smiled as the three pirates joked and laughed. Although she had only known them for a few hours, Marinette could already tell that they were a lively trio. They took turns rowing, which Marinette finally got the hang of, after a few hilarious failures. All the while, her head began to hurt more and more. Doing her best to ignore the pain, Marinette threw her all into rowing.

After a particularly hard splat of the oar, Marinette got splashed in the face with a spray of water. The three pirates laughed as the girl dressed as Ladybug smiled good-naturedly and gently rubbed the back of her head. Queen Bee seemed to notice her discomfort and moved to get a look at the spot she was rubbing.

What Queen Bee found was a large bump that was beginning to look quite painful. "So tell me doc, how bad is it?" Marinette lightly joked before falling unconscious. Paon was quick to catch her head before it could get banged around anymore.

"I swear, our captain is going to kill us one of these days." Rena Rouge sighed as she and Queen Bee turned the little lifeboat in the direction of the hidden Tikki and started rowing.

"But we wouldn't have it any other way, now would we?"

Unbeknownst to the three pirates laughing and smiling above her, and the girl herself, that hit to her head had actually begun the process of returning her memories.


Well, Marinette just seems to be fainting left and right, doesn't she? Oops.

Comment what you thought!

Hope you enjoyed!

See ya next time!

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