Strike A Deal

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I'm writing this instead of sleeping. So no guarantees on quality!




Dylan thought of all the information he had on Tikki and its captain. Despite his fervent searching, it was pitifully sparse. With only had rumors and half-baked leads to go on, he was becoming increasingly desperate. He would be willing to trade anything for just one solid clue.

Lila thought of the revenge she would enact on Ladybug. Even though she wouldn't trust the strange man who sat in front of her if an entire town vouched for him. Something told her he wasn't lying when he said he knew something important.

Charter looked at both of them and knew they'd take his offer. They were too desperate not to. He just had to wait until they cracked.

Minutes ticked by and slowly turned to hours. Surprisingly, it was Lila who chose to break the silence. "I agree to give you whatever information you ask for, in order to take down Ladybug."

"I also agree."

With a bright mischevious smile, Charter held out his hands, "Well then, let's shake on it!"

Tentatively, they both took one of his hands. Suddenly, it was like a wave was crashing down on them. They struggled for breath and to keep their grip on the only solid thing either could still feel, Charter's unshaking hands. The waves seemed to continue for hours, with no respite, at some point both lost consciousness. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

Charter released their hands and Lila, and Dylan sat up gasping. Neither was really sure when they had collapsed, but both were ecstatic for that nightmare to be over. After a few minutes, in which both just sat on the floor calming themselves down. Distantly they heard the mysterious man say, "Now that wasn't too terrible, was it!"

Once he was sure they were fairly stable and weren't going to faint again, Charter pulled out two rolls of paper. "If you can decipher those, you'll find exactly what you are looking for," Charter said as he walked towards the door. Before he left he also called out, "Oh! And thanks for the information!" Then he was gone as quickly as he had appeared.

"...What just happened?"

"I honestly have no idea..."


This is short, but I'm tired.

Also: Two chapters in less than five hours!

Comment what you thought!

Hope you enjoyed!

See ya next time!

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