Just stop ちょうど止まる

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The routine became frequent for a whole week, Todoroki would go visit his girlfriend sometimes someone would tag alongside him. They'd come by and see if y/n had woken up, but as always they'd leave because of Yuri. She'd become more touchy with him and he didn't like it at all, specially not in front of his hospitalized girlfriend.

Monday it was his shoulder next it would be his thigh, he didn't like it so he shook off her hand. Yuri was angry that she wasn't noticed by her lover, she wanted all the attention to go to her and only her. She tried flirting with him on Wednesday and unbuttoned some buttons from her blouse to allow more cleavage to be shown. Todoroki ignored that and kept on holding and giving his attention to y/n.

Yuri was fed up, she wanted Todoroki all to herself and now. She always got what she wanted and it was Todoroki who she wanted now. Thursday she brought a more revealing outfit than ever, short white tight skirt and an unbuttoned to see almost her boobs through her shirt. She was all touchy with Todoroki and flirty, she even tried to kiss him a couple of times. He got annoyed and apologized to his girlfriend and left. Yuri was furious now, she was upset that her plan hadn't worked and now she only had very little options but only one option stuck out.

Yuri spent the rest of the week waiting for Todoroki to leave to check on y/n's vitals, she had 'forgotten' to give her medicine and to feed her through the needle connecting her. Y/n looked super malnourished and dark circles slowly formed under her eyes. The doctor began to notice this and started checking up on Yuri to see if she would do her job as 'nurse' to Y/n. She had noticed this and forcefully had to give y/n her vitals.

Saturday the doctor forgot to check up on Yuri and Todoroki had left already, she looked at the chord that connected y/n to the apparatus that kept her alive for this past week. "Would they even care if I unplugged it? I mean they wouldn't suspect me, would they?" She evilly smirked and crouched down besides the extension cord that was keeping y/n alive. When suddenly someone burst through the door, Todoroki.

Yuri quickly got up and cleaned herself up, she had to look presentable for Shoto after all. "What were you doing besides y/n's bed, specially where the cables are?" He said coldly to Yuri. "W-Well its my job as a nurse to check up on the patient and make sure no dust is ac-accumulating around h-her!" She quickly made up. He squint at Yuri, sending chills through her body. This was the first time he ever addressed her! Maybe he did love her after all!

Todoroki quickly grabbed his keys and left the room, once the door closed behind him she let out the air she was holding in. "Close one, this time you're saved. But lets see you try to survive in this cold cold room" Yuri walked to the thermostat and quickly dropped the temperature in the room. "60•F seems cold enough" she shut the door behind her and left for the night.

Sunday arrived Todoroki was in his usual spot with y/n. He took her hand in his and noticed she was freezing cold, worry began to form within him and used a bit of his fire side to form some type of heat towards her cold body. Yuri kept approaching him and soon enough he was fed up with Yuri's attempts at trying to seduce him.
"What is your problem? I don't want anything to do with you, please go and don't bother me again" he snapped at the girl. "B-But Todoroki! I thought we were developing something special! Like the romance we had in my fanfictions that I read late at night!" She cried out. "Its all because of her! Little miss perfect that you so desperately love huh? Why can't you love me then!" She whined out and threw a tantrum, "I'll make her life a living hell while she's staying here!" She stormed out of y/n's room. He rubbed his temples with his free hand as he was about to leave y/n's room for the day, he felt a soft squeeze on his hand.

"Y-Y/n?" he sat back down and looked at y/n open her eyes slowly. "Todoroki.. where am I?" She closed her eyes again, the room's light too bright for her eyes and slowly opened them again. He held her tightly and tears threatened his eyes, "I missed you so much." He softly cried and held her closer than ever, "I'm so sorry Y/n it's my fault you're here and—" he felt a finger on his lips. "Don't apologize hun, you did your best and I'm glad you won" y/n kissed his cheek. "I wouldn't have accepted it at the cost of your life" he held onto her tighter.

The doctor came in to announce the visiting hours are over, but to his surprise y/n had woken up. "We'll run a small check up on you before we let you go" and so he proceeded to check her vital signs and unhooked the IV from her vein. She sat up and stepped down from the bed, she was like a baby horse learning to walk. But Shoto was patient with her and lead her to the bathroom to change into her UA gym clothes.

Once out he wrapped an arm around her and helped her to walk. Both of them walked together and called y/n's mother to come pick them up. "I'm around the area I'll be there in 5" and once Shoto hung up she was already in front of them. She rolled the window down "five seconds, ha!" She smiled and walked out of the car, helping y/n inside with the help of Shoto.

Y/n's mom drove them home and opened helped y/n out of the car. She handed her to Shoto and ran to open the door. While Shoto and Y/n walked to the front door y/n was welcomed with a big surprise.

"Welcome back y/n!" Everybody cheered. All of Class 1-A had come to celebrate her return, tears formed in the corners of her eyes and smiled widely. "Thank you so much everybody.." she let go of Shoto and stumbled a bit trying to gain her balance. "While you were gone, there were dorms built into U.A. so now you can live on campus" said Sero with his goofy smile as always. Y/n looked over at her mom, giving her a small nod assuring her that she was going to be allowed to live in the dorms. "Thank you so much for this welcome back party, I appreciate you all caring for me" she looked around and spotted her favorite blonde boy, she got up and gave him a hug. "Thank you for coming too Katsuki" she smiled at him.

"S-Shut up you idiot" he hugged her back and put a hand on her head. "Glad you're okay kiddo" he whispered and gave a very faint smile.

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