Help ヘルプ

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I opened my eyes, but the brightness of the sun and the cold white room blind me. I was about to sit up when a throbbing headache sent me back to bed, as soon as I was about to ask myself what had happened, a rush of events came as a slap to the face.

The USJ.

I sat up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my temples. I saw around me, Aizawa, Thirteen, and.. All Might? Are in their respective hospital beds. The nurse came in due to the beeping from the machine hooked into my arm, "Y/N please lie down and rest" the nurse said. I followed instructions and the doctor came in, whispering something to the nurse. "Y/N" I heard a coarse voice, "Yes Mr. Aizawa?" He sighed. "I ask of you, to not reveal to any of the students the identity of All Might" there was concern in his voice, "of course Mr. Aizawa, cross my heart and hope to die." And with that, I was put in a wheelchair and transferred to another room.

The hallways full of running nurses and doctors, saving people's lives everyday. Including mine. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride to my room. As I heard the doorknob open, I slowly opened my eyes and was welcomed by all of my classmates.

"Feel better Y/N!" They said in unison. "Thank you everyone! But.. where's Deku?" They looked confused, but the nurse replied, "he's in another room, he's badly injured but not in a life or death situation." The smile of my face quickly faded, "when.. when will he be out..?" "No later than tomorrow for sure, Recovery Girl came by and healed him. He's just resting up" everyone's faces lit up, "but now, you're being discharged from the hospital" the nurse removed the needle with IV that was connected to my vein, putting a little cotton ball with tape on where the needle was.

I slowly stood up from the wheelchair and was welcomed by an embrace from everybody, except Katsuki. Todoroki's embrace felt warm in this cold room, I wish this hug could've last longer but Iida asked to go visit Deku. We all agreed and my classmates made their way to his room. I stayed behind, and nodded for Todoroki to go ahead.

"So? Not even a hug Bakugo?" I smirked, "tch" he hugged me comforting, "you scared me and that half and half bastard Y/N. Learn to control your quirk before you go off passing out again" with that he let go and helped me out the room. Todoroki was waiting outside and Bakugo handed me to Todoroki, he wrapped an arm around me and walked slowly with me. Bakugo went ahead with everybody else, while me and Todoroki stayed back.

"So? You were worried about me?" I teased. "Yes, when me and Hagakure met with Momo, Jiro, and Kaminari.. you were passed out in Kaminari's arms" "what else.. happened while I was out?" "Well.."


"Let's hurry Hagakure, we need to ensure everyone's alright" "c-coming!" We ran towards the desert area, lightning came off from there making me think Kaminari was in trouble. As we closed in, Momo, Jiro, and Kaminari came into view. My heart sank as Kaminari was holding Y/N in his arms. "What happened to her?" "We met up with her but she passed out! We didn't know what to do!" There was a sudden shake in the soil. I glanced over at the center of the USJ and saw All Might battling off to the creature from earlier. "I'll go help All Might, take her to safety!" I ran off to the central area where Mr. Aizawa was on the floor, all bloody. "Todoroki.. stay.. back.." he breath out. An explosion came from my side, Bakugo. I ran to him, "let's help clear the area from the less strong villains here" "alright."

We worked and cleared the area of those weaker villains leaving All Might and the Nomu to fight. I took hold of Aizawa and lead him to safety with the other villains followed by Bakugo. Tomura said that the symbol of Peace will be knocked down, and he headed to disintegrate Tsyuu, luckily due to the short distance, Aizawa removed his quirk. Allowing Deku to land a punch on him, and Kurogiri made a leave with Tomura. Leaving the Nomu to fight All Might, Deku tried to land a punch on the Nomu. But it made no effect on the Nomu. Tsyuu took a hold of Deku and Mineta and lead them to safety along with Aizawa.

All Might had been able to defeat the Nomu and police captured him, taking him into full custody.

End of Flashback

"I see.." I looked down and back at Todoroki, "are you okay?" He looked down at me and a little smile graced his lips. "Knowing you're safe, I am" and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Shoto.." you blushed, "I'm glad you're okay, we got separated and.." my brain hurt at the remembrance of events, bringing me to my knees. "Y/N!" He helped me up, "I'm fine, I just remembered the villains I encountered by myself.."

Todoroki and I took a seat in the waiting room, waiting for my mother to pick me up from the hospital. And explaining to him my encounter "So you encountered morphing villains, that change their appearance to look like me, Bakugo, and Mina" I nodded. "I'm just glad you're okay Y/N, I worried so much about you" "Thank you, I worried about you..."

The hospital door open, my mother came in and signed off at the front office. "Y/N let's go, they told me you need to rest for the— well well well, who do we have here? Endeavor's son, Todoroki Shoto" mother smiled. "You know him?" He looked at her in confusion, "Yeah! Worked with your old man for as long as I could remember, that takes us back to UA*! He worked with me in the Hero Course, ah how handsome he was back the—" "ahem." "Sorry! But your old man and I were friends with me and my husband since UA" she smiled. Of course known as Pro hero #10 Xio Mara, quirk: Weather manipulation, she always had an exhilarating job and got along with those who were around her.

"Here Todoroki" I walked to the front desk grabbing a pen, and then Todoroki's arm. "My number and address" you scribbled away in his arm and smiled, "visit me sometime during the three day weekend, we can go out to get a coffee." "Sure" "would you like a ride home Shoto?" He looked down and nodded, "yes please" "alright let's go."

The car drive was silent, except for the radio music. We arrived at his house, "thank you for the ride" he bowed down. "No problem Todoroki" I waved at him.

"Didn't know you had a thing for Endeavor's son Y/N" she smirked. "Mom please" "oh honey, it's clear as day. He's into you and you're into him, why not tell him?" I felt my cheeks warm up, "because! I don't know if he likes me!" "The only way you'll find out is by you confessing y/n. Take a shot!"

She was right. There was no way I could know if he liked me back, if I didn't take the shot. "Alright! I will!" I smiled at my mother, "that's my girl! Now how about some McDonalds?" "Aw yis!"

With that, I realized that my mom gave me the push that I needed. My true hero and helper!

»Aaaaa the reason why I put the little asterisk on UA was because I couldn't find out if Endeavor went/attended UA so I just put he did!

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