18. The Haunting Past.

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As promised, another quick update. It's a little sad, so I wanted to put a TRIGGER WARNING beforehand. I'm going to try and write a whole heap more chapters so I can't update more regularly.
Thanks guys. x

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Louis grabbed a hold of Liam’s hand, and pulled him over to an unoccupied table. The two sat and Liam was silently looking at the omega, though Louis could see in his eyes that he was impatient. “I-” Louis began, but felt sick to his stomach, his mother was the only one he had really opened up to about it. “Louis, I don’t want to pressure you to tell me everything. I just want you to open up to me. Know that I’m here, and I want to support you.” Liam reached out for the omegas shoulder, rubbing it tenderly, trying to relax the boy. Louis gave a small appreciate smile.

“Liam… You’re such a great guy, so are Harry and Zayn. They’re two of the best alphas I’ve met. Trust me, they’re not all so great…” He rubbed the back of his neck before continuing, “I’ve met some horrible alphas. But you see Liam. What makes them worse is when you make yourself vulnerable to their ways by acting scared and submissive. And I learnt that real quick. My mother and I used to live with my biological father’s family, he wasn’t in the picture, of course, he ran out on mum when she was half way through her pregnancy, but his mother loved us. She was lovely, she housed us while mum worked to get us a house of our own.

There were many others in the house. And one of them was my father's brother. He liked to watch me, when mother wasn’t around. He taught me what it was to be a ‘good omega’. “ Louis saw Liam’s face drop with realisation hit. “But that’s long gone, in the past. I just-, I never want to be vulnerable like that ever again. So I like to act as if i’m in control of myself. Make sure the alphas around here know they can’t touch me without my consent. So I tease, and sure, I like it, but I make sure they see me as a friend, someone who won't be a ‘good omega’ that way no one will actually want me... I won’t ever be hurt again…” He trailed off, eyes on the floor.

Though he looked up at the beta in front of him. He wanted to see if he’d ruined the way Liam see’s him. Liam had tears in his eyes. He stood from the opposite side of the table and sat next to Louis. “I’m so sorry Louis-" the beta wrapped his arms around the small boy, "-you don’t deserve to be treated like a piece of meat, and you shouldn’t be letting them do that to you. But I promise you this; you’re apart of the pack now, and we are a family, we protect and care for each other. And we won't let anyone ever touch or hurt you again!” Louis could have sworn he felt his shoulder dampen slightly. But he didn’t care, he just hugged the beta tighter and whispered, “Thank you.”

_ _ _

Louis was walking down the hall, on his way to the math block, he hated that class, but he couldn’t bring himself to care when all he could think about was his conversation with Liam. The beta hadn’t judged him or told him his ways of coping were stupid, or call him the names he’d heard so any times, he just listened and empathised. Louis couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. When he was closer to the classroom he took a deep breath and braced himself.

Though a hand grabbed his shoulder, he spun around, and he was surprised to see Zayn. “Oh, Zayn? Don’t you have ancient history?” Louis asked, and Zayn nodded, his expression was unreadable to the omega. “I have something I need to say…” he spoke, and Louis now recognised the expression, it was worry mixed with guilt. Like he knew something he shouldn’t. “Sure, go ahead!” Louis encouraged, anxious to hear what the alpha needed to say. Zayn took a deep breath.

“Louis… Alphas have super sensed hearing…” He spoke slowly, hoping Louis would understand. “Yes, Zayn. I am aware” Louis rolled his eyes, giving his typical sassy remark, it made Zayn smirk, though it left his face as quickly as it came, knowing it wasn’t the right time for that. “Yes, well…”
“Oh come on Zayn! Spit it out!” the omega interrupted, popping out his hip, crossing his arms and raising his brow at the alpha expectantly. “I heard what you told Liam at lunch” he said, watching Louis face drop. “Oh…” was all he could reply.

Zayn just grabbed both the boys shoulders, making him look into his eyes. “Louis, I'm incredibly sorry. I have no idea what you must feel every day of your life. And I only wanted to tell you, that if anyone else makes you feel inferior again, I'll-, I'll kick their ass!” They both chuckled half heartedly. The teacher stuck his head out the door and called Louis inside.
“I’ll see you in alpha omega studies.” Zayn smiled before leaving.

_ _ _

Louis fidgeted in his seat the entire class. He had to talk to Niall about all this, and he couldn’t wait any longer, and as he looked at the clock, for what seemed like the hundredth time, there was only about thirty seconds left. The omega couldn’t still his tapping pen against the desk, and he was pretty sure the girl he sat next to was about to scream at him. But then the bell rang and he sprung from his seat, packing up his things and b-lining to Niall.

“Hey Lou.” The beta smiled, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Niall we need to talk” Louis almost yelled in the betas face, speaking with such urgency that he wasn’t sure he made sense. “Gees! Alight then, speak!” The beta replied. “I told Liam about my uncle raping me, and how that influences my unorthodox methods with the alphas at this school, and Zayn overheard, so he knows too. And now I feel like I should tell Harry too, but i’m not sure how.”

“Lou... I, uh... I think he already does” Niall gestured behind Louis, who gave him a confused look, but turned around nonetheless. Harry was stood there, expression unreadable. “Har-” Louis began but the alpha walked away from the two. Louis felt a pinch in his stomach, “Fuck.” he uttered and Niall gave him a sympathetic look as he patted his back.

_ _ _

Louis was in the gym, doing stretched with the rest of the class. Harry hadn’t shown up to music, and now gym. Louis was worried about what Harry thought about it all. Did he think Louis was stupid and not worth his time now? Broken goods? He sighed, not wanting to think about it any longer, those thoughts getting him down much more than they should be. If Harry really was the sort of guy who would disown him for those reasons, than he wasn’t a friend worth keeping.

The class fell silent as a ruccase came from the direction of the locker room. Ms Rowe immediately perked at the sound of clanging lockers. “Logan, Trent, come with me, quick!” The alpha teacher asked to two other alphas hastily. They all ran towards the male locker rooms. Two more alpha students ran after the other three. The commotion had clearly ended, as the noise had settled. The class began to whisper amongst one another.

Logan ran from the scene, running past all the students, seemingly in the direction of the administration office. Not even a minute later, the two students emerged, the both of them under the arms of the beaten alpha. It was tom, his face already bruised and bloody, they were supporting him as he limped along. Louis hands covered his mouth as he gasped. Logan came bolting back through, the deputy principal rushing behind him.

The teacher came out, about two minutes later, “Okay class, let's get started.” She was brief with her words, obviously a little stressed. But the class was about to move to walk out to the field, went the principal and the other students came out of the locker rooms. The principal’s hand was wrapped tightly around his bicep. Harry’s bicep. He had a cut lip, his brows furrowed and anger clearly written over his face. He struggled in the older man's grip, but the elder wasn’t having it. “Come now!” the teacher yelled at the class, who’d stopped to watch Harry being hauled out of the gym.


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