17. The Assembly

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Louis wanted to stay at home today. He felt humiliated, he couldn’t believe he’d let that scumbag touch him when he had a girlfriend. And then he had the audacity to talk to him that way!? No. Louis wouldn’t stand for it. The omega knows that sometimes he doesn’t make the best choices, but then again, everyone makes mistakes. BUT; the point is, he’s not a bad person, and he’s NOT a cheater!

He was sat at the table with the other boys, head in the clouds, wondering if this made him a bad person. He knew the effects that cheating had on a family, and sure, this wasn’t the same, but he hated cheating, of any kind. And this boy was in a relationship when Louis kissed him. He felt sick, he couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid. And all for because he was feeling insecure and wanted an alpha to make him feel-

“Earth to Louis!” Zayn was waving his hands in the omegas face, snapping him out of his trance. “Huh?” The omega looked around at them all, and they were all staring right back. “We were just asking what you’re thinking about?” Liam asked, subconsciously leaning in closer, anticipating the omegas answer. “Oh. Nothing, I’m sorry, what are we talking about?” the omega rubbed his temple. “Today is the second wednesday on our timetable. Meaning we have an assembly.” Niall huffed.

“I don’t understand how much shit they can come up with each fortnight. Nothing exciting ever happens at this school!” Zayn huffed. “Maybe nothing ‘exciting’ per say, but plenty of ‘educational’ thing happen here, Zayn.” Liam air quotes the key words. “Fuck off, Liam. You know exactly what I mean.” Zayn snarled. “We all know what you mean Zayn, Liam just likes to be a pretentious asshole.” Harry piped in.

Liam gasped and grabbed his chest in mock offence. The bell rang and the five boys stood walking to their separate classes.

_ _ _

The bell rang, indicating instead of third period cooking class, Louis would have to make his way down to the hall for assembly. They made their ways to the respective doors having big numbers of their years groups in silver plaques hanging over the door. Louis made his way to the “12” and found Niall easily. He just had to look for the blonde head with laughing people surrounding it.

Liam approached not long after, and at this point they were making their way inside where the teachers were waiting to direct them into the rows of seating. “Up the back! Come on!” Liam pulled at Niall's wrist before he merged into the line that was about to be seated. Louis was all for sitting at the back with the gang. Maybe then he could be on his phone instead of listening.

They walked out of the line, the teacher not saying anything, and saw Zayn already sitting up the back. “Was starting to think you were going to sit with the other idiots in our year.” Zayn poked Niall's side as he slid past the alpha. Louis and Liam were chatting about the books they were reading in english, when Louis felt a hand collide with his ass. He and Liam turned around and Harry stared at the omega with wide eyes.

“Um, hello to you you too” Louis had raised eyebrows and now Liam was laughing at the look on the alphas face. “I-i thought you were Liam…” he uttered, holding the back of his neck while his cheeks tint a shade of pink. “Well, Harold; I am in fact, not Liam. I don't know you you can mistake this-” the omega smacks his own behind, “-for Liam's pancake ass.”

That's where the beta stopped laughing and frowned at the omega. “Hey…” he drew out, giving his best puppy dog eyes. “Don't worry Liam, compared to me, everyone has a pancake butt.” He winked, squeezing past Zayn and Niall for a seat, “He's right you know” Zayn uttered, gawking at the omega as he squeezed past him. Harry let out a low growl that only his fellow alphas super-sensed ears could pick up. Zayn raised his eyebrows at Harry who only shook his head and looked away, crossing his arms over his chest.

Zayn couldn’t help but chuckle at his friends childish behaviour, Harry simply ignored Zayn’s teasing, and took the last seat, on the the row, next to Zayn. Being furthest away from the omega didn’t sit well with him, but these were the things he has to learn to deal with, for the simply reason that, Louis, is not his omega. He subconsciously frowned at his thoughts. He was being ridiculous. He hasn’t even had a full conversation with the lad, and yet, here he is, almost pinning over the omega. He needed to sort himself out. He was an alpha after all, and wasn’t sure if Louis even really liked him at all…

“Attention students!” The speakers were suddenly brought to action, making mouths shut, and heads turn to the front of the stage where the principal was standing, awaiting all eyes to be on him. “This week has been a complete academic success at Fortword high-” Louis drowned out the alpha principals words, they weren’t important to him. He let himself sink into his thoughts, and the emotion that was swimming through his brain currently; guilt.

He can’t stop thinking about the yesterday. It took him back to a time he tries so hard to forget, and opened his eyes to how he’s been acting lately. He felt a burn in his throat, and swallowed, willing it to go away. ‘Stupid omega, stop being so stupid!’ His eyes welled and just as a single tear fell, a hand grabbed at his forearm and made the omega jump back at the contact. Louis looked to Liam who looked concerned at the omegas action. “Louis… What’s wrong?” His voice was soft yet so demanding.

Louis was quick to wipe away the stray tear and the ones forming in his eyes. “Nothing, i’m fine.” He smiled at the beta, and then Liam’s face softened, a look of sympathy overcame it, the one that Louis had seen before, “Louis-” but he was interrupted by the principals change in tone. “I need the full attention of all Alphas and omegas.” He paused, scanning the room. When he was content with the pairs of eyes facing him, he began again.
“Due to new regulations, a new after school subject is in order. ‘Alpha and omega dynamics’ class will take place for a half an hour every Tuesday and Thursday after school. It is mandatory that all alphas and omegas attend.”

_ _ _

The assembly went on after that and then it was time to continue on to lunch. The boys made their way to the senior area and went to their table. Before Louis could take a seat, he felt a tap on his shoulder, but he already knew who it was. He turned around and was met with Liam. “Can we talk? Please?” He asked, a little desperation in his tone. Louis sighed. “Fine…”


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