6 months later
'REECE COME HERE!' It's been just under half and hour since you peed on a stick.
'What?' Reece is very excited
'Look' Reece just stares
'P-r-e-g-n-a-n-t' HES smiling ear to ear
'IM GONNA BE A DAD! IM GONNA BE A DAD! IM GONNA BE A DAD!' He's jumping up and down in the bathroom
'I'm gonna be a mum Reece we're gonna have a family!' YOURE dream, being a young mum, has actually came true.
'We can't have our wedding until I've have birth though please'
'I wasn't going to anyway, I'm not that mean!'
12 weeks later
'Congratulations, you're having a girl' says the sonographer
'Yes, I've always wanted a daughter!' Reece is more excited than you
'Congratulations, she seems healthy and getting the nutrients that she needs' she says
'Thank you!' You get up off the bed and pull your top back down and your trousers just over your bump and walk out
'I'm calling mum'
'Hey mum, I need to tell you something'
'Go on'
'So you know like when two people have sex and the sperm goes to the egg and it makes a baby and then you get granny and grandpa?'
'Well, you mum are gonna be a nan'
'I've just had my 12 week scan mum it's a girl' YOURE smiling
'Oh Amy that's wondeful, I'm so happy for you!'
'Anyway I'm gonna go and tell libby and Alex so I'll come see you later'
'Okay bye'
'Bye love you'
The phone goes dead
You call Alex and Libby. You cancelled plans with them today because you came here but you didn't want to say incase anything happened.
You phone Libby and here Alex Blake and George down the end of the line
'Hey Libby, just gonna say it short and fast you ready'
'I'm pregnant and I'm gonna be a mum and Reece is gonna be a dad we're having a little girl and I want you to be her auntie okay'
'Pregnant I'm pregnant'
'Oh my god! That's amazing so you're gonna be a mum and Reece is gonna be a dad'
You hear Blake and George coughing
'WHAT REECE!' They say in unison
You pass the phone to him
'I'm gonna be a dad to a little girl I want you two to be her uncles' Reece says calmly
'Of course we will mate!' They also say in unison
'Oh can you pass the phone to Alex please' you ask Libby
'Hello, Amy' she says
'I want you to be a auntie also to my little girl please'
'Of course I will!' She sounds delighted