You, Reece, Blake, George and Libby have all gone out to LA for a week
'Morning baby' Reece is stroking your hair
'What time is it?' You groan
'Okay, is anyone else awake?'
'Yeah they're all waiting for you'
'Okay I'll meet you at Blake's room in 10?'
'Okayyyyyyy love you baby'
You meet everyone in Blake and Libby's room
'Hey everyone' you say enthusiastically
Reece moves over on the seat and you sit next to him
'What do you want to do today?' Libby asks
'We can go shopping maybe?' George replies
'That's sounds funnnnnn'
When you get to the mall you notice the boys looking at you and Libby
'Are you okay?'
'Yeah it's just you and Libby look so cute together, you're both teeny people in this big city you just look cute' Reece says back
You and Libby are both 5'1 Reece Blake and George are average height of around 6' so yeah you're pretty teeny.
'Go and stand over there, on the rock' Reece points to the tall rock in the distance
'Why?' You and Libby look at eachother confused
'Because I want to take a picture of you, and it's a nice setting, please?' His dimples. You have to give in
'Fine' you drag Libby to the rock and you somehow manage to get on
'3...2...1...' you hear a click of the camera and jump down
'This is cute' Reece is smiling Blake is next to libby and George stood awkwardly, he's staring at a girl stood by herself outside the clothes shop
You nudge Reece 'I think George likes someone'
'George bro, are you okay?'
No response
'Oh yeah hi sorry just um looking at um yeah' George sounds nervous
'We know who you're looking at G' Blake smirks
George blushes
'She's pretty' George says quietly
'Go get her!' You're enthusiasm shocks George
'I can't do that by myself!'
Before George has the chance to yell you to stop you walk towards the girl. She just watches you walk and when you wave she waves back
'Hey, I don't want to sound like a creep but, have you got a boyfriend or girlfriend maybe?' You question
'Actually, no I don't, why?' She has a worried expression on her face
'My mate was saying how pretty you look, that's all' you fiddle with the bracelet on your wrist
'Oh the tall guy blonde hair blue shorts orange top? He's cute I like him' she smiles
'Yes actually him' you flash her a smile and she smiles back
'What's his name? Did you shout like George or something? I wasn't quite sure?'
'Yes actually George he's 17'
'I'm 16 out here to get away from my ex Freddy hate him'
'Wait, do I know you?' Your name's Alex right?' You feel like you know her but can't put your finger on it
'Yes and I went out with Freddy after you did, he cheated on you with me I was the girl in his sheets who came to comfort you after you ran out but he stoped me and said he would hurt me if I ever went near you it told anyone about it' she doesn't look you dead in the eye but you sense kindness of her
'Oh, did you by any chances come to mine and Reece party like 3 days ago?'
'Yes! You're Amy right? Freddy was like come to the party with me, make Amy jealous I want to see her face but I ditched him and then he went looking for you, I was gonna try and find you but I didn't want you to like hurt me' she's sympathetic
Reece walks over and outs his hands around your waist
'Hey babe, you okay?' Reece looks at Alex then back at you
'Alex, this is reece, my boyfriend'
'You're Reece, from New Hope Club? As in the boy band who tours with the vamps?' She practically screaming
'Yes that's me' Reece cautiously takes a step back, you following
Blake Libby and George run over to you
'Hey um yeah I'm George and I think you're fit too, even when you're having a bit of a fangirl moment, you look beautiful' George is practically a tomato
Alex has calmed herself down a bit now, still shaking, but not screaming
'I'm Alex, I've known Amy for ages, you know about that Freddy guy? Who cheated on her? Yeah he cheated on her with me' she doesn't seem sorry, but why would she?
'Oh yeah Amy said a hella lot about that boy, anyway Alex nice to meet you' George leans in to give her a hug and she hugs back
You see it now a small five foot 3 blonde hair girl, striking blue eyes a gorgeous figure. A boy tall blonde hair blue eyes. A beautiful future together it could be the 6 of you Reece and Amy
Blake and Libby and Alex and George.
'So' Reece intervenes your thoughts
'Would you like to come on a meal with us maybe? Only to NANDOS but I think it'll be cute at least g won't be awkward anymore'
'If that's okay with you guys, then sure I'll go' she looks at George like he's the best thing in the world
You have to say something
'George, you know she's a keeper I know you've known eachother for like a minute but she's looking at you like you're the only thing that will make her smile, you're her sun and I can tell look at her face George' they both look at you stunned
'I mean, she's gonna be my sun too you know just looking at her made me feel like something was there'
'Awwwwww' mixed voices say