7. Last night

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After leaving Maprang. They both were went room. Then at night while Singto was in sleep and Krist just laid down on bed. He was awake. Then Singto's phone beep. And that was Maprang's message. Then Krist thought at late night what will she send it in message. Then he opened the message. He read all their messages between Singto and Maprang. The messages was like this...

M- Now your are happy my friend.
S- Yah! But I feel very anxious about the truth.
M- I was explained you na... Krist will definately understand you.
S- but when he knows, that we are done all these things for his love confession to me.
M- Ok then! tomorrow you will tell him. But now just go to sleep.
S- ok! Then. Gn.
M- Gn😊

After reading all these messages between them. Krist don't even wait for the morning. He just packed his bag at night. Then Singto heared of some sound he also awake. Then he saw that, Krist packing his bag.

Then he said with crying face "Please don't go Krist. What's the matter? Please tell me. At this time where should you go?"

"Stop it Singto. I am a big fool. That I believe on you. I thought you really mean it with your words. But I was wrong." Krist said slingged to Singto's hand.

"Baby please tell me. What happen now? I really mean it my words. I really love you." Singto requested.

"No! you don't." Krist said with full of agression.

Krist grabbed his bag for leaving the house. Then Singto held his wrist where Krist holded his bag.

Krist frowned on him. Then said "leave my hand Singto. You betrayed me. You and your so called friend create all this drama. To get acceptance of my feelings toward you. After all that. You don't felt that I should have right that to know all of these. But I am for you, is Nothing...! For getting your desires. You hurt me really badly Singto and even yet never apologise for that. After knowing the truth. I am feeling like I am your puppet. Who do all these things whatever you want. Nothing else."

"Just leave my hand." Krist was saying with gnash in anger. Then he blazes Singto's grip.

Then leave the house. After Krist, Singto followed him. At the stair, in the lift, then parking area of building. But Krist not listen to him. He just opened the car's door then sit. And drive to go their parent's house. His condition is not that like he think about his parents' reaction. He just do that whatever he want to do.

Behind Krist car, Singto also drive his car for following to Krist's car and continued calling him while driving. But Krist was delibaretly not receiving Singto's call.

Singto speed up his car for reaching to Krist's car. Then he reached parellel to Krist's car.

He said to Krist "Please.. honey. Stop the car! Stop the car! I'll explain you everything. Please slow down the car. Please..." Singto begged with emotional eyes.

Krist said with speedup his car and lacking control of steering "I don't want any explanation from fraud man. I'll go to my parents house and say to them for preparing our divorce paper. That't it. So, leave my way."

Singto said in a ordering way "STOP THE CAR I SAID."

But Krist don't wanted to listen him.

"KRIST!!! SAVE!! From the car which is coming toward you." Singto said.

Then Krist turned his car's steering anywhere.

Singto, for stopping him. Suddenly he went his car in front of Krist's car.

Then after, Krist's car stopped there by stumble with Singto's car.

Then Krist came out from his car. And go to where Singto sitting on driving sit of his car.

Krist said "Just get out from your car Mr. Prachaya. You thought by doing this. Your all mistakes get forgiveness from me. But this time you are wrong. I will never change my decision." He said while grabbing Singto's collar.

Singto said holding his hands "Ok! You do whatever you want. Anything with me... But please just leave this thought. That you give me divorce. I can never live without you."

"Ohh! Ok. Then after we divorced, you can go to your friend and live happly with her." Krist said with full of anger in his eyes without think anything.

Then Krist leave the place where Singto stood. And he just started walking on road because of unrestness of his mind. Then Singto seeing a big motor vehicle coming to Krist with high speed.

Singto was continuosly calling him loudly "KRIST MOVE! MOVE!"

But Krist didn't hear at all.

Then Singto hurridly runned to him where Krist was walking. Then Singto just push him to the other side of road, where footpath started. By then, the motor vehicle hit Singto and go from there.

After that, Krist was in shock. When he saw blood spread every where on road and Singto fainted with bloodful body.

Then he quickly went to there putting Singto on his lap "Singto! Wake up... wake up.... " Krist said with patting his cheeks.

"Somebody please help." Krist was screaming.

Then he took his cellphone from his pocket. Then call the ambulance.

Krist crying like crazy holding Singto. And continuosly saying. "You will be alright.... you will be alright... My love. I am here for you."

Then ambulance reached there. They took Singto in ambulance. Krist sat near Singto. Where Singto was laid on stracher. Krist was holding his hand. And uttering with badly crying "Why you do this? In place of you I should hitted by vehicle. Then it could be good for me. Sorry my hubby. I feel like I am a culprint who don't hear his husband because of my madness. And see what will happen to my husband."

After reaching hospital. Doctor take Singto in operation room. Two hours of operation. When Doctor came out they said "Patient is ok now. But still in unconsious. We have no any clue that when will he awake."

Krist after hearing that. He just runned to room where Singto is admitted.

After seeing his husband condition. His tears falling down continuosly without any voice. He came to Singto, holding his hand and feel Singto's palm on own face and crying badly with saying that "I am sorry Sing. I am a very bad wifey. Because I am the reason, who bring my husband to this condition."

Then Krist while crying, head down on Singto's chest. Then after sometime Singto slightly coughed then he said "Are you alright Kit?"

Krist lifted his head from chest of Singto and seeing that his hubby got conciousness. He just started kissing all over his face.

Then Singto said "Ease... ease.... my little angry baby. That bruises are still hurts."

"Ahh! Sorry.. my hubby. Now how are you feeling?" Krist asked while wiping his tear from his cheeks.

"After getting so much kisses from my lovely wife. Now I am all good." Singto said giving smile to Krist.

"Enough... Singto. Look at yoir condition. For a moment I thought I had lost you. But thanks to god that everything is alright." Krist replied.

Singto said in serious way "Right now. I feel very guilty. Sorry my baby. For getting my wife's love. I badly hurt you. Who I love the most, for him I being coward. Without asking your feelings. I was done all that childish things. I feel really sorry."

Singto said while cupping Krist face "I hurt that person, who have most beautiful heart and also beautiful looks." Singto winked while saying that for giving smile on his wife's face.

Then Krist said "Stop it Sing. Now you started here also in this condition."

Singto said "For romancing, no specific place needed my baby."

"Okay! Okay! I'll call the doctor. So, that he will check you. And I also asked about your discharge." Krist chuckled

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