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'Clink' the marble collide with each other.

'Ya! I definitely gonna win this game, just you wait' said Jaemin confidently.

(y/n) and jaemin were having a competition between who can hit the most marble out from the circle that he had drawn with a chalk.

Left three more marble in the circle and (y/n) would win this match. Jaemin was aiming his marble to one of the three marbles that are situated at the edge of the circle and he only have two more marble to be use while (y/n) still have five more.

'Clink!' He hit it and it was a perfect shot.

'Yes! See that? Imma take it home from now' he chuckle. (y/n) roll her eyes and effortlessly aim to the last two marbles and surprisingly she hit two of it out of the circle.

Jaemin widened his eyes and can't believe he have been defeated 5 times in a row. He ran his hand through his hair and gave a loser sigh. She laugh at the his reaction and gave a pat on his back.

'i guess now you need to fufill your promises na jaemin' she gave him a smirk which jaemin return it with a rolled eyes.

He reach something from his short brown pants and pull out a small pouch.

He gave her a small pink pouch and she was kunfused for a second. 'Aww whats this?' said (y/n) curiously.

Then a green small furry creature came out from the pouch. It was moving.

'Jaemin!' (y/n) scream in shock. She step away from the thing that he showed her. She scream again as jaemin keep shoving that small creature to her.

'STOP IT NA JAEMIN' She pleaded it with an angry tone.

Her disgusting face amused him which she earn a laugh from him. He pull away the caterpillar away from her and crouch down to carefully observe it.

(y/n) are now crouching down 5 feets away while watching jaemin poking the caterpillar with his finger.

Renjun came for her aid and with no hesitation smack jaemin's head. She could clearly see his what-darn-thing-are-you-doing-now look over him.

'AH!' retord jaemin. He rub his head and gently place the caterpillar on the ground. He gave renjun a glare while picking out his marble on the ground.

'I thought I said no fighting' Renjun stated while resting both of his hand on his hips.

'We didn't' said Jaemin

'Yes you did'



'i mean its just a caterpillar! A harmless creature to

ever exist'

'you made (y/n) cry'

Before he could argue again, Jaemin look at the way (y/n) is hugging herself now while tears is running down her eyes.

He felt guilty now as he doesnt know that (y/n) would be that much of scare towards caterpillar.

(y/n) wipe her tears and scoot over to Renjun was now. Renjun patted her head and calm her down.

Jaemin continue cleaning up the marbles on the ground where they both were playing and put it into a pouch. Then he left the scene with guilty written on his back.


(y/n) was humming exo's universe song while checking updates in her wattpad story. She's not a writer but she loves to read fantasy and stuffs that interest her. Then a notification came in.

Its from Jaemin.




How dare you

I know you're lying about those crying

She lifted her eyebrows and smirk. Jaemin really knew what she was up too and so does he.



I won the bet arent I?

Bet you fell for my acting don't you :<

It took a while for him to reply back, probably busy babysitting her sister. She go back to check to her wattpad story and add some books to read in her reading list. A notification came in and she quickly minimize her wattpad screen


9 am sharp

You know the place







Are you still mad about that?

He was typing quite a long texts and she have to wait for almost 10 minutes for it



You better sleep

I need to recharge my phone :'(


You took 10 minutes to write that?






Night night my nana <3

Her text was last since at 11:45pm and bet that Jaemin had hit the bed too early. (y/n) scroll again through some news update in her social stuffs and in the end she search some kpop cracks before going to bed.

She watches some random videos until it the clock shows 2 am. She closes her phone screen.

She tuck herself in with her warm flowery blanket and closes her bed lamps. The moon lights are enough to light her bedroom.

She thinks about those bet she made with him and laugh about it. Jaemin yaa don't forget our bet okay. She hugged her pillow and slowly drift into Dreamland.

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