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(Third person)

Sunlight filled the sky, pure scattered light; its hue ambitiously illuminating each crevice of the land. Soon after, the vibrant rays have begun to warm the day as sparrows played their soft music from the town, a sweet serenade. Illuminating like a bright Firefly, the sun continue to shine brighter as it woke up the citizens inhibiting the neighborhood.

The houses in the neighborhood were long and narrow, perhaps only twelve feet wide at the front, but it stretched some thirty feet back like a giant shoe box. Near the end of the row of houses, there was a house that looked at looks very elegant. It has been built with fir wood and has white pine wooden decorations. Short, wide windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern.

Inside of the peculiar house, lives a young narwhal name (Y/N) and her younger roommate who was a gazelle. I know it might sound very peculiar that a narwhal was living with a gazelle but, there was a normal explanation for this unique phenomenon. (Y/N) was feeling very tired of the cold weather in the Arctic, so she decided to move in with her long-distance friend in a more hotter environment.




Sitting at the dining table, (Y/N) Was eating french toast for breakfast when her roommate came into the dining room with the mail in their left hand. The younger gazelle placed the envelopes on the table and they began to organize them. In the middle of organizing them, They found a letter pacifically written for their roommate, (Y/N). "Hey, there's a letter for you!" They rejoiced, Passing the letter to (Y/N) Who was sitting across the table.

Opening the letter, (Y/N) noticed that it was from a childhood friend of hers that was names Rocma. Gently pulling out of the letter, she placed it into her hands and began to read what was on it.

'Dear, (Y/N)

I'm writing you this letter because there is a dreadful problem on Iceberg Isle. A few months ago, mysterious orca somehow appeared on the Isle and began to harass and torture residence. I was able to fight against him for those few months and protect some of the residents but, I feel that I won't be able to hold him off much longer. (Y/N), I need you to come back to Iceberg Isle and help me protect everyone from this Monsterous orca.

Sincerely, Rocma'

Standing up from her chair, (Y/N) Seethed, "Is it okay if I leave for a couple of days...I have to attend important business in my hometown, and I need to leave for a few days?" Nodding their head, The gazelle answered, "Sure, I'm all right with you going back to your hometown. just don't stay there for too long, (Y/N)!" Before exiting the room, the Narwhal Mumbled "thank you" underneath her breath. After packing all of her stuff, (Y/N) Went to the docks and bought herself a ticket straight to her hometown, Iceberg Isle.




Slowly, the boat waddled towards the spacey rockey area that (Y/N) assumed to be the wharf. Despite it being a two-day trip, (Y/N) had no problems reaching her hometown but, She did feel a little fatigued and slightly hungry from the long trip. stepping onto the rocky surface, she waved goodbye to the captain of the ship and watched it slowly sailed away. Walking down one of the familiar paths that (Y/N) remembered from her childhood, She came across a average size hill with a white silhouette standing on top of it.

Eyes widening, (Y/N) Realized that the white silhouette was her childhood bestfriend, Rocma. Calling out to her, (Y/N) exclaimed, "Rocma I haven't seen you in such a long time. How's your life going, old pal!" Turning around, Rocma Started to walk down the hill and Greet her old friend. Rocma Sighed, "Everything's going fine, besides the fact that there an orca living on the outskirts of town with a blood Lust for hurting everyone in town..."

"That sounds really bad...But, don't worry. I'll help you deal with that pesky motherfucker and Forced him to leave this Isle." (Y/N) giggled as she gave Rocma a welcoming hug. After their short conversation, Rocma Went back to her house and showed (Y/N) the room that she would be staying in for the time being. It's a expansive room, but quite adequately lit. The walls are painted in a soft amber, broken up by sheer, springtime green curtains on the windows. There are drapelike curtains decorating the open windows.

After Rocma had left the room, the Narwhal started to unpack her belongings and when she was done she took a good night's rest on the large bed in the corner of the expensive room.

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