Chapter 3

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Author's note: OMG, It's been like a thousand years since I updated this story! I'm super sorry to keep you guys waiting! I was dealing with a bunch of family issues and I had to deal with a bunch of school issues at the same time so I forgot about my Wattpad account. I hope this chapter is good enough so you guys can forgive me for my long absence




Taking a deep breath, The Narwhal approached the orca danger zone as fast as she could. As she continued to walk through the thick fluffy snow, she tried her best to put on a defenseless act to make herself seem vulnerable. As much as she hated to play the victim card, she needed to act like a defenseless princess so this plan would work. If she were to stroll confidently into his own, the plan would instantly fail.

As she continued to walk into the dangerous Zone, Snow started to fall from the sky. Snow danced in the light, a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind. Widening her eyes, the Narwhal looked at the beautiful snow that was falling down from the heavens. She was so entranced at the moment that she almost forgot what she was doing until she heard a very unfamiliar voice.

"Oh, What do we have here?" The voice said in the mysterious tone. Quickly, the Narwhal turned around and looked to see the man standing behind her. As she expected, it was the one and only Orca that her childhood friend had mentioned. Even though she was prepared for this moment, the Narwhal couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. The Orca had very pale skin that contrasted with his dark black eyes. He wears a black business suit and a grey shirt, which is accompanied with a black tie.

Stepping back, to make herself look defenseless. (Y/N) Mumble in a false worried to tone, "Oh...! Um, My name is (Y/N)" After introducing herself, she noticed that the smirk on the sadistic Orca Grew as he walked closer to her. Hopefully, he thought that she was just some helpless little damsel in distress So that he can underestimate her. As he approached closer to the Narwhal, he Pulled out a cigarette And lit it.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, He blew that toxic smoke into (Y/N) face causing her to cough lightly. After blowing the smoke in her face, he chuckled, " You must be new in town, little miss (Y/N)?" Looking up at the Orca, (Y/N) Continued to have a scared look on her face. Even though she wanted to stab him in the balls, she couldn't. (Y/N) Had to force all of the anger inside of her to not be shown so she can keep the appearance of someone helpless. Take another puff of his cigarette, he continued, "Haven't the townsfolk told you to be where this area?"

Lying through her teeth, she replied, "N-No... R-Rocma Hadn't warned me about anything. I-Is there something dangerous around here?" Tossing away his cigarette, the Orca began to chuckle to himself out loud as he grabbed the neck of the narwhal standing in front of him. Easily, he managed to lift her up so they would look eye-to-eye at each other. As (Y/N) was staring into his cold sadistic black eyes, she knew that she said the right thing to trigger his villainous persona.

"Yeah, there is something dangerous around here and do you want to know what it is?" He said as he continued to chuckle like a madman. Playing along with a scenario, The Narwhal continues to act Clueless. "Wh-what is the dangerous thing around here?" (Y/N) Said in a shaking voice. His smile began to grow bigger as he continued to laugh more maniacally. " The dangerous thing lurking around here is me, Idate!"

After finally learning his name and the way he acts, (Y/N) felt like she had enough of his sadistic Behavior. As she predicted, Idate underestimated her due to her timid Behavior earlier and because of that, you left himself completely open to attacks. Before he could respond or noticed, the Narwhal quickly kicked him between the legs causing him to fall to the floor like a toddler who doesn't know how to walk. As he was falling to the floor, the hand that was wrapped around her neck released her and she was able to make a break for it back to the town.

When she was finally back in her hometown, she started walking towards Rocma house. while she was walking there, the Narwhal couldn't help but think about idate. Even though he was a complete asshole, She couldn't help but have a very strange feeling about him.    

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