Chapter Nineteen

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Rosie's POV

"On the day you were born."

"What are you talking about," I spat. "What does this have to do with me?"

"I'm getting there," Pierce wagged his finger at me, pantomiming a mother scolding her child. "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl with wonderful powers. She had obtained them on accident, by being exposed to a radioactive chemical in her father's lab. There was also a young boy, who had powers as well. He obtained them at birth, and that's all I know about that. Anyway, these two grew up, never meeting, until one day when fate brought them together. They fell madly in love, despite the fact that their parents didn't approve. The lovebirds were so in love, they ran away to elope. After that, they moved to Paris and had a baby girl. You."

I gasped. I hadn't ever heard anything about my parents before, but now the nightmare I had been having made sense. It wasn't a dream after all, but a memory. A memory of living in Paris. The man in the nightmare was my father. And the beginning must be my consience's way of portraying Pierce.

"When you were born, you were born with your powers. A mix of your Mom's and Dad's. You got your fire powers and laser vision from yout dad, and your elasticity and telekinesis from your mom. The combination of two parents with powers caused a genetic mutation which rendered you invincible."

Now I knew exactly where my powers came from, that is if Pierce was telling the truth.

"You grew up in Paris, living a content life with your parents until you were ten. That's when the real story starts. You see, the European government was still getting used to people having superpowers. They were still testing people. And you, being born with powers and also developing you own, were a prime subject. So they asked your parents if they could do some tests. Your parents reluctantly agreed, handing you over to the government."

"What happened to them," I asked, trying hard to hold tears back.

"I'm getting there, don't rush me," Pierce growled. "As I was saying, they handed you over. That's where I come in. At the time, I had been working as a scientist, collecting data on the genetic mutations that caused a person to have powers. They called me in, requesting that I be the one to run the tests on you. When I met you, you were distraught. You missed your parents and wanted to go home. I felt for you, and did some digging to uncover what happened to them. Sadly, I discovered that they had tried to convince the government to let them take you back, and when the government refused, they decided to use force."

"No," I gasped, the tears freely falling now.

"Your parents died heroically, fighting for you and your life, but ultimately they didn't have the manpower they needed, and were eventually hunted down and murdered. When I told you, you wanted to do everything in your power to fight the European government and avenge your parents death. I decided to help, and together, we escaped Paris undetected and fled to America. We stayed hidden at first, afraid that Europe would send soldiers after us, but after a year, nothing happened, and we came out of hiding. At first, we led a life as normal as one with powers could have. But when you turned fifteen, I realized all the possibilities that came from you having these powers. I realized we could take over the world."

"You bastard," I muttered.

In an instant, Pierce's hand was wrapped around my throat, shutting off my oxygen flow. I began to choke, spots forming in my eyes.

"I told you to let me finish," he said as he released me and an eerie smile formed on his lips.

"As I was saying, I wanted to take over the world. I told you my plan, and at first you were hesitant. I could feel that you almost wanted to, but knew it was completely wrong. In the end, you told me no. I knew that I couldn't let you walk away, so I erased your memory using a prototype serum I had been working on in Paris. It put you unconcious for a few days, but when you came around. You had no memory of anything. I thought I could use you memory loss as a way to rewire your brain, making you think that taking over the world is the best thing for you. At first, you willingly went along, but soon, you realized what I had done and wanted to leave. I tried to stop you, but your powers easily defeated me, and you ran."

"If that's true, then I would remember everything since I woke up. But all I remember is running," I frowned.

"I'm not done," Pierce gritted his teeth as I interupted again. "When you were unconcious, I developed a gun that would shoot the memory erasing serum up to fifty yards. As you were running on foot, I caught up to you. You shot me with some fireballs and I fell down, but before you got away, I shot you in the ankle with the serum, erasing your memory of everything but running."

"What about breaking into the tower? What about the note you left? And when you followed me outside that coffe shop? And taking Starfire? What was all that for?" my voice came out like a snarl.

"That was just to scare you," he said it so nonchalantly. "And stealing Starfire, that wasn't originally part of the plan, but I figured that stealing her would lure you here. And I was right, it did!"

"If you're tellng the truth, then what do you want with me now?" I spat.

"The same thing I've always wanted. For you to join me so we can take over the world. With you under my command, we would be invincible," Pierce smiled proudly.

"What if I say no?" I retorted.

"Then I'll just have to take over the world myself, kill your friends, and lock you away so you have to live with the death of the Teen Titans on your hands."

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