Chapter Two

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Nobody's POV

The Titan's Tower was quiet, everyone sleeping soundly. All of a sudden, the alarms started blaring. Red lights flashed, the blare of the alarm echoed throughout the tower, and the screen in the main room flashed a map of downtown with a little red dot moving around near the pizza palor.

Robin rushed into the room, followed closely by Cyborg. Next came Starfire, and lastly, Raven dragging Beastboy who was still half asleep.

"Cinderblock broke out of jail," Robin explained as he typed rapidly on the computer, "He's downtown. Near the Pizza Parlor. Titans, GO!"

Everyone except Beastboy, who had fallen back asleep on the floor, rushed out of the room. Cyborg ran back in and threw Beastboy over his shoulder before running back to the garage.

Robin hopped on his R Cycle, Beastboy, Raven, and Cyborg squished into the T Car, and Starfire floated into the air, ready to fly.

The Titans raced downtown, hoping Cinderblock hadn't caused too much damage yet. They arrived within minutes, Robin hopping off his motorcycle, Beastboy, Raven, and Cyborg exiting the car, and Starfire landing on ground.

"Titans, G-" Robin stopped short when he saw Cinderblock, in handcuffs, being squeezed into a police van.

The Titans had puzzled looks on their faces. How did the supervillian get caught, if it wasn't by the superheros? Robin grabbed the elbow of the nearest police officer.

"Who caught Cinderblock?" He asked inquisitively.

"Oh, that girl over there," the officer stated admiringly, nodding towards a teenage girl sitting alone on the edge of an ambulance.

Her back was sitting towards the titans, so all they could see were her ripped clothes, long blonde hair, and skinny figure, but she looked nothing like a hero. They looked at each other, wondering how in the world this girl stopped a two ton pound of bricks.

"She must have powers," Raven said knowingly.

"Yeah, pretty amazing ones if she stopped Cinderblock all by herself!" Cyboorg stated amazed.

"Let's go find out," shrugged Robin.

The Titans walked over to the ambulance just as a paramedic wrapped a thick blanket around the girls shoulders and handed her a steaming Styrofoam cup of hot chocolate. Robin tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, my friends and I were just wondering..." Robin trailed off as the girl turned around.

She was beautiful. Her oval face was perfectly tan, her long blond hair was wavy, framing her face, her lips were pink and bow shaped, but her eyes were the most captivating. They were almond shaped, with thick lashes and colored so crystal blue, it was almost like you could swim in them.

"Yes?" She asked questioningly.

Her voice was soft like bells ringing, but the words rolled off her tongue smooth like silk.

"I'm Robin, and we are the Teen Titans."

Rosie's POV

"I'm Robin, and we are the Teen Titans," The spiky haired boy said.

I nodded slowly, as if to say hello.

"That's Cyborg, Raven, Beastboy, and Starfire," He said, pointing to a half robot, half man, a gray skinned blue haired girl, a green boy, and an orange skinned, red haired girl.

"Hi," I said quietly.

I wasn't too good with strangers since anyone could be an enemy, but these people seemed friendly enough. I wasn't going to let my guard down just yet, but maybe we could be friends.

"We protect Jump City. You could call us the heroes of this town," Robin smiled, obviously proud of his work and his team, as I'm assuming he's the leader.

"What's your name?" He asked softly, maybe sensing I wasn't so open with people I had just met, superhero or not.

"Rosie," I said shyly.

"Oh what a lovely name, Rosie! Will you be my new friend? We can go to the mall of shopping together! We can have what you call a par-ty! What's your favorite color? Where are you from? How did you get here?" Starfire babbled on.

"You'll have to excuse Starfire, she's not from around here. She's from a planet called Tamaran," Robin said, noticing my shocked expression from the explosion of questions.

"Um, it's okay," I said.

So Starfire was an alien? That's pretty cool. I wondered what kind of cool alien powers she had. I wondered what all of them could do.

"So, how did you defeat Cinderblock anyway?" Cyborg moved around Starfire, who was still going on about something or the other.

"I, uh, used my powers," I said quietly, praying they wouldn't ask what they were.

"Wow. What do you do?" Beastboy asked amazed.

"Um..." I stuttered not knowing how to answer that.


(A/N: The first few chapters are sort of fillers to set up for the real action, so bear with me a little bit. I really hope you guys start to enjoy this book!)

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