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Hanji's POV
I go straight to the washroom. I don't know why but for some reason I cried without realizing it. I look myself into the mirror and saw I person I so desperately tried to hide... It was a person I wanted to forget... To bury deep inside me... To hide behind that smile... It was a crying and pathetic me. I washed my face with water, wipping away the little make up I had been wearing.  I looked into the mirror again. That crybaby was still there.. I put out a weak smile but I still saw that pathetic side of mine... I felt disappointed of myself... I started crying and this time I couldn't stop...so I let it all out....

Levi's POV
It's been 20 minutes since Hanji went to the washroom. I wonder what she is doing there. I hope she didn't leave from a back door or something. Damn was I too rude? But I have always been like that. Rude, cold, abrupt yeah I am like that. But this is the first time I felt bad for being like that. What the hell is wrong with me! And on top on that why would Hanji get mad? Is it that bad that I didn't want to answer her question? Maybe she was just trying to make the atmosphere lighter.... Anyway I need to apologise for being so abrupt...

Hanji's POV
I have been crying in the Bathroom for almost 20 minutes. Damn I really had to cry for a long time... The last time I cried if I remembered correctly was in my father's funeral 3 years ago... Yeah that's when I decided I was not going to be a crybaby... Anyway I should go to Levi although I am pretty sure he must have left by now...

I wash my face and put my glasses back on. I exit the bathroom and head for our table. To my surprise I saw Levi waiting for me in the table he had booked thinking. What was he thinking I wonder. Anyway, I go to him. He notices me and turns around.

"You are late. What have you been doing in there. It has been 20 minutes or so. I thought you left from the back door or something" he says looking in my eyes.

"You know how women are. We take our time in doing things. And by the way I was pretty sure you had already left." I try to lighten the mood and laugh.

"Do you want desert or should we and our night? Although you haven't touched the main dish yet".

"And neither have you. But as much as I would like to stay and try the desert, I really think we should get going. I mean I feel a little tired." I say and he nods to the waiter to bring the bill.

"Here you go." I grab my bag to pick up my wallet.

"Please don't. I am the one who invited you to dinner therefore I must pay." He says back and pays.

"Okay but next time it's definitely on me okay?" I say back cause I didn't like it when people pay for my stuff.

"Whatever" he says, grabs his jacket and exits the restaurant with me.

~Time Skip~

Hanji's POV
We have been in the car and we we almost near my house since Levi offered to drive me home. We haven't been talking at all. Seems that our previous conversation had quite the effect...

"That's me" I say pointing out to a tall building, breaking the silence between us...

"Okay" he says and parks the car.

"Thanks for driving me here" I say and exit the car.  I head straight for the front door turning to face him but he doesn't seem to notice me....

Levi's POV
What the hell am I doing? I'm letting her go like that without even apologizing.... I was at fault here all she did was ask questions to make me feel more comfortable around her. Come Levi get out of the damned car! She is about to enter the building then your chance will fly away!

I quickly called her and got out of the car hitting the door behind me. "Hanji! Hey Hanji I'm talking to you" I shout.

"What's up? Did you call me?" She turns around to face me. The tone of her voice was like she wanted me to call her.... Tell her at least a goodnight....

"Yeah... Um I did..." I say back looking her straight in her eyes.

"What?" She says and looks at me back.

"I'm sorry... For acting like an idiot.... For being so abrupt and rude with you" I say and quickly enter my car and turned the keys ro start the engine. I took one last look at Hanji who was staring at me in surprise... I open my window and shout a goodnight and then leave her. Though I am pretty sure she was still looking at the way my car left....

My Pretty Little Rock-Star - A Levi x Hanji fanficWhere stories live. Discover now