Doctor Who?

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Hey all, I am the lovely Author-Chan. Please forgive my mistakes but do kindly point out something I did wrong. It's been awhile since I've seen Doctor Who so I will be unable to follow the story line exactly. However, I am going to go through it all again (starting from the beginning of David Tenant to the end of Matt Smith [10-11]) Do not worry. Enjoy! 


I ran. Ran from them. From myself. From the pain. From, well, everything. I turned a corner, hoping to lose them. The boys chasing me, I mean. Tall, lanky, and brutal, I knew my time was almost up. I mean, I couldn't keep running forever, could I? My lungs were burning and my legs felt as though they would give out at any moment but I willed them on. I turned another corner to see... a police box? What was it doing here in the alley? I couldn't stop to question it, however, as they had finally caught up with me. I paused, blood running down my arm and cheek. Scrapes and bruises prominent on my pale skin. My clothes were torn and dirty and some blood was caked in my  long brown hair.

"Runt! You run pretty fast for a girl, but not fast enough," Duncan, the middle one said. 

He had a blood-stained knife in his hand. My blood. 

"Yeah, let's get her!" another says. 

Byron, he's holding a pocket knife. Calvert stands next to him, also holding a pocket knife. (A/n Very creative, aren't I?)

With each of their steps forward, I take another step back. Finally, I'm against the wall. Calvert slashes me across my other cheek, leaving it to bleed freely. Duncan steps forward and kicks me in the stomach. I fall to the ground and cough up some blood. Sneering, he jams the knife into my arm. Everything starts to go blurry. I guess I've lost a lot of blood. I see Calvert ready himself to make a final attack when I hear a voice say, "Oi! What do you lot think you're doin'?!" 

The boys all run off, Cowards, I think to myself. 

"You okay?" I hear the man ask.

Just as I'm about to reply, the last dregs of my consciousness finally slip away from me.


I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I notice several parts of my body are wrapped in bloodstained bandages. I bolt upright, effectively giving myself a headache. As I clutch my bandaged head, who I can only assume is the man who helped me, walks into the room. 

"Excuse me, sir," I say, tentatively, "But where am I?"

"Ah, well, you were so banged up that I needed to fix you up immediately. You're at my, er, place of residence, shall we call it," he says. 

"Thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it."

"What's your name, kid?" he asks.


"Nice name. How old are you?"

"16, I believe."

"Mm. What year is it?" 

"Couldn't tell you. I lose track of time easily." 

"Ah, well. We'll just have to find out, won't we?"

He smiles. Not a smirk, a genuine smile. I haven't seen one like that in so long. It makes my heart ache for Mum. 

"You all right?"

"Huh?" I notice my cheek is wet. Am I crying? I quickly swipe the tears away. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Once you're healed up a bit, would you like to travel with me?" he says.


"I'm a traveler, so to speak. I love it, but it gets a bit lonely at times. Just come along for the ride. I can tell you're a clever girl."

My cheeks redden a bit. "Why not? It's not like I have anyone tying me to this godforsaken place," I half mumble the last bit.

Just then, there's a crash and what sounds like an explosion from across town.

"Ooh. That doesn't sound too good," the man says, "I'll be back in a jiffy."

"Wait!" I cry, "Can I at least get your name?"

"Just call me the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Exactly," he replies.

My blue eyes widen. Then, he pulls out an interesting gadget, nods at me, and leaps out the window.


Heads up, I probably won't go by the show too much, and unfortunately, I won't be able to update as often as I'd like. Please take this into consideration. Bye for now, allons-y!

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