Chapter 4

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Jessie's black flats clipped along the New York sidewalk, trying to keep up with Chris' long strides as she looked at the schedule for today and informed him, "We don't need to be at the Tonight Show studio until 4, and I got you off the hook for that phone interview, so we can either go back to the hotel and you can take a break for a while, or we can stop and get something to eat."

"You know what I would pick," Chris chuckled.

"Food it is then," Jess' eyes twinkled as she looked up at him. "There's a pizza place around the corner."

"You read my mind!" He replied.

Jessie just snickered while nudging him in the side and reminded him, "I've been working for you for four years, it doesn't take much for me to be able to read your mind."

"Oh yeah?" Chris quipped like a little kid. "Then what am I thinking now?"

"You're still thinking about pizza," Jessie stuffed her phone in her pocket as they turned the corner.

Chris held open the door and smiled as he put his hand on the small of Jessie's back to guide her through the door but added in, "You really can read my mind."

The pair shared a laugh before finding a booth in the small restaurant and ordered their favorite pizza. Chris typed out a reply to a text from his mom before setting his phone down on the wood table and looking across at Jessie. She sat there staring blankly at the wall while one of her hands twisted a piece of her curly chocolate hair. Chris could see the distance look on her face and that, coupled with the fact she had been rather quiet the past day or two, he decided to speak up.

"Are you okay, Jessie?" He tilted his head.

Her soulful eyes snapped to Chris before she silently nodded her head but then decided to add, "Why do you ask?"

"You just seem a little down," Chris explained before reaching across the table and resting his big warm hand on top of her small one that was on the table. "Jess, you know you can talk to me."

A soft sigh escaped her pink lips before she confided in him, "I was on facebook yesterday and it seemed like every other post was someone getting married, or having a baby and I guess it just kind of depressed me."

"Why's that?" He wanted to hear her feelings.

"Because I'm 30 years old and I haven't had a serious relationship in years and am nowhere near having a family. I just really thought that by this point in my life I would have family, or at least be married," Jessie sighed.

Chris' blue eyes softened and replied, "I understand that Jess, I really do. I mean, I'm 33 and I thought I'd have those things too. But I know you will have that."

"I hope so," She gave him a sad smile.

"I know so," Chris honestly spoke from his deep adoration for her, knowing he'd feel like the luckiest guy on earth if he got to date her, let alone marry her and have a family with her. "Any guys would be lucky to be married to you and have you be the mother of their children. You're intelligent, kind, sweet, and also really sassy and hilarious. You're the whole package Jessie."

"Then why do I feel like with guys that I'm like the food at a potluck that everyone skips over?" Her metaphor made Chris laugh.

"Maybe the guy for you didn't go to the potluck or he is just too stupid to take a taste of Jessie wonderland." Chris winked​ as Jessie snorted at his remark.

"Yeah, I'm going to start introducing myself as Jessie wonderland." Jessie joked causing Chris to throw his head back and let out a laugh as Jessie chuckled at his actions.

"Maybe you should," Chris shrugged. "I think it's pretty fitting."

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