Chapter Four

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A little different than “Not tonight,” which was what Lauren told Lenny.

She was just sitting on the couch, watching TV. In her pajamas, a little under the weather. But that didn’t stop him, her new boyfriend, from trying to get in her pants. From trying to kiss up on her neck.

And who could blame him? Lauren Bassi was bad. Lauren Bassi was beautiful. The main reason he wifed her up to begin with. But there was more.

At 25, 5’4” and with a body to match her smooth Mediterranean skin, she was one brunette who looked unstoppable in anything she ever wore. But more importantly, she never acted like a whore. She was one of the good ones. The kind of girl you could take home to your mother.

However, her new boyfriend, Lenny Malco—he was an asshole.

            “Stop,” she told him. He kept trying to feel around, kiss up on her neck and put his hand between her thighs. “At least wait till the movie’s over. You’re acting like a teenager.”

            But Lenny, 28, didn’t care. He was a scumbag. Not that anyone would say that to his face, though. He might have only been 5’7” but the steroids made him huge.

            And since he was a DJ—and a drug dealer—which Lauren didn’t know, he kept it on the low. She just thought he was “connected”—a lot of Italians were. He was paid. His apartment was dope. A 2-bedroom with flash, pizzazz.

But Lauren wasn’t like the other girls. She was a prize. She didn’t care about the extras. Besides, she was just trying to watch the movie. But not just because it was a love story. Because there was something missing from her life.

However, Lenny was ruining it for her. She was getting annoyed. He tried to kiss up on her neck again but Lauren pushed him off.

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