Chapter one

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The screaming echoed the house

Sierra scrambled her freezing cold body onto mine .
Her poor little heart beating faster than a hamster on a hamster wheel .

Babes it's okay I soothed grabbing my phone and knowing I couldn't stay here any longer .
I texted Jonah the eldest out of my band and asked him
Could him ring the police and send them to my house as swiftly as possible

This always happens but something was odd tonight
My mom ussaly comes running upstairs to get us once she's been hurt or hit by dad
But today that didn't happen and I heard nothing coming from downstairs but the sound of my dads liquor bottle dropping

The noise froze and suddenly I heard the steps creak

Sierra hide I whispered sitting up slowly

But Dan-

Sierra hide now
I whispered getting more serious and she quickly hid under her rusty old horrible bed . That was found in a dump .

My door swung open and I felt Sierra jump because the bed flew up a little.

D-annnlee pack a bigagg my drunk father slurred throwing a bottle of gin at me

I nodded slowly but packed Sierra a bag I loved in the WDW house so I didn't need anything
My dad noticed my taking sierras coat and her and he grabbed my wrist

Where is she I asked pulling away and looking at him


Where is she I asked looking at him once again

H-who he asked not interested

Where is you wife where is sierras and i'smum
Because I know the answer you ducking killed her YOUR A DRUNKEN OLD FOOL AN ABUSER AND -

I felt a shoulder on mine and police run in grabbing my dad

I looked over and saw Jonah , Zach

I cried into Jonah while Zach got Sierra

Bro you should have told us we had no idea I guess when we saw your bruises we didn't want to ask about them ..

I went to speak but I just held a crying Sierra
Her body fragile and her Body severely underweight.
Her pyjamas were her cloths from when she was three still fitting her five year old body .

My dad was cursing in the background and the police were trying to find my moms body I myself knew where it was but I didn't want to face the reality and say my mom is dead but I knew I had to

I walked slowly into the rusty old bathroom that my dad uses as his stash of alcohol and drugs I opened the old door slowly and stepped in throwing multiple wads of cash out of my way seeing Molly's old baby blanket in an odd shape

That ass hole I whispered Zach taking my hand squeezing it while the police went in to the bathroom.

Sierra was sobbing into Zach's chest and wanted to be in my arms but I couldn't take her I was to busy .

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