Chapter 2

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Sierra is moving in with me and she's not budging off me or Zach. she's stuck to one of us like glue all day
It's either me or Zach and I'm getting a bit impatient with her but she just lost her mum and dad so ..

Bro please take care of yourself you haven't had a break all day Corbyn whispered as I nodded slowly.

Dani I know it's tough come here Zach whispered hugging me .
Zach was abused when he was younger he doesn't know I know that but sadly I do and I think that's why he's so understanding because he knows how Sierra is feeling

Loosing dad is a good thing but it's a bad feeling and in one sense i kind of want him but the old dad not the new one .

Honey can you please sit on the couch like a big girl I whispered bending down to her height as she was snuggled into Zach and even though Zach told me it was fine a could see a bit of impatience in his eyes and that was understood

But Sierra just put her hands up and whispered up up up

I shook my head taking her off Zach and putting her on the couch . She was still getting used to not getting hit so she was very very shaky and scared five years of abuse will do that to you and I think she waiting for one of us to hit or kick her.

So I was very gentle with her .
But she wasn't happy that she was sitting by herself so she tried to make me feel guilty and all the boys were shocked she knew how to that . My mom was so loving but she was very good at being Toxic and guilt tripping people.

Oweeee Sierra fake cried grabbing her wrist all the boys looking at her shocked

Sierra that's not good or nice I whispered very seriously looking At her but she just started crying and wanted to he back in my arms

D-Dani she hiccuped climbing onto my shoulders but I refused and took her off
She clung into my leg and wouldn't let go

That's it time out
I took her off and picked her up as she sobbed and tried to grab me
I felt really bad but she has to learn that I'm still here .

Sierra your being very silly jack whispered knowing that if he told her it would work

All the boys nodded. Sierra stoped crying and I wiped her eyes

Now are you ready to do five minutes of time out I whispered making her shake her head and sob all over again

Okay this is enough I very gently picked her up and put her down on the bottom step of the stairs leaving her there then walking away very quickly shutting the sitting room out muffling her tears

Oh god I'm horrible i whispered

Jonah shook his head Dani your not
Okay I promise..

I sighed quietly and nodded slowly..

Once my alarm went off I walked out and picked Sierra up

She hugged me and started hiccuping into my chest
D-Dboo I'm sorry she sobbed making all the boys give her the sad eyes

Making me want to cry awww Sierra it's okay but babe that was very silly and Zach and I won't be holding you anymore isn't that right Zach I asked looking at Zach

He nodded yep I'm all hugged out he sighed laying on jacks shoulder as they were going out.

She sighed quietly her little chest hugging me as tight as she could boo I'm tired she yawned as I chuckled well all that crying and acting silly would Make you tired very tired i looked at her making her glow red in embarrassment I chuckled and brought her upstairs taking off the tag of the pajamas I had picked up fur her along with a brand new wardrobe of cloths and toys and stuff like that .

Now come on let's brush your teeth then get into your pajamas then maybe we might have cuddles I whispered tickling her tummy making her laugh her cute laugh running into the bathroom to brush her teeth .
I took off her top and rubbed sudocreme on all her cuts and blisters and stuff
I kissed them all making her laugh she look at me

Bubby did daddy  give you these as well she whispered pointing to her cuts and bruises I nodded slowly she hugged her putting on her top
But princess it's okay daddy's In jail now so it's okay .

Now will you put on your pants and pj bottoms while I go do something I'll be back in two minutes for cuddlesssss I smiled tickling her .

She chuckled and I walked out of her room into mine grabbing a bottle of water and drinking it. .

I then knocked sierras door and for some strange reason her trousers were on her arms

Sierra don't act silly I know you know how to do this come on your five Not three
She looked at me

All she wanted was attention off me okay Sierra honey if you don't fix those trousers properly now no cuddle time okay

She started crying and didn't try to fix her trousers.
She just handed them to me and whispered please I'm lazy

I shook my head and pulled down her blind
Night Sierra I whispered handing her
Her teddy and kissing her forehead

Ignoring the her screams and crying pleading fur cuddles .

I walked into the sitting room and just broke down into tears

Aww Dani all the boys hugged me but hearing Sierra cry made me cry more.

Jonah and I were going out but we kept it a secret but all I wanted to do was cry into his chest right now .

But I stayed  strong and didn't.

I was laying into Jonah's stomach in his room as he kissed my forehead slowly repeating making me feel better

I love you soo much he whispered slowly massaging my shoulders and kissing my neck .

But I was so sensitive I can't believe I lost mom I whispered making him sigh

Dani babe please try and relax okay

I nodded slowly and went to check on Sierra

I opened her door and saw her awake with tear stained eyes
Her eyes met mine and she started crying awww baby I don't want you still crying come here I hugged her

C-can we h-Iavve cuddles with j-Jonah she sobbed

Aww baby of course I whispered carrying her into Jonah's bedroom
He looked at her with sad eyes aww babe your still crying he whispered

She cried into my chest and we all snuggled into one .

Dani jo
Sierra was poking Jonah and I .

Babe stop it I whispered pulling her into my chest .

Nooo wakeyyyy time she smirked jumping up and down.
I sighed quietly as Jonah sat up damm he was hot in the mornings .

Babes go get your teddy I suggested making Sierra run into her room and I kissed Jonah he kissed back and then we got up getting ready for the day ...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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