Chapter 12

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Narrators POV
Slendy was patiently waiting for the proxies and his brothers to come into his office,so he can talk to them about what to do with the human.

All of the sudden 3 figures teleported into the office.

"SLENDYYYYY, I missed youuu. How is my little brother doing"

Throws glitter out of no where.

"......Hello brother"

"Can we start the meeting already, cause I was doing something important"

(Ms.Introvert: I forgot to tell you or I already told you people,but slendy,and trender talk in the minds of people so there in bold)

Trenderman "spoke up" with a little bit of sass.

"If you consider raping and having sex with people important"

Offender lit a cigarette.

"Yes,I actually do consider those important"

*knock* *knock*

"Come in"

Masky,Hoodie,and Toby walked in.

"You needed us sir" Masky said.

"Yes I did,it was to talk about what should we do about the human"

"I say *tic* we cut him up with *tic* my hatchet"

"I did not finish my sentence Toby, as I was saying what should we do about the human. Should we just kill him or turn him into a proxy "

They all gasped.

"But sir why do you want to turn this human into one of us" Masky said.

"Well it's because he would be a good edition. He killed someone and possibly other people. He knows self defense. So he can train and teach you guys self defense."

Everyone was silent.

"I t-think it would b-be a good idea"

"Yeah Im agreeing with Hoodie"

"Yeah I *tic* agree too *tic*"

"Well my proxies agreed. How about you,my brothers?"

The brothers agreed too.

"Well now that's settled, I shall check up on him and turn him into a proxy. Meeting dismissed"

Everyone left while Slendy teleported to the operating room.

Eyeless Jack POV
I was tending this human wounds and the scent of his blood got to me. He just smells so good. A little taste wouldn't hurt right.
But first let me finish tending his wounds and check if he's still alive.

"He's alive still. I wonder what Boss will do to this human, hopefully let me eat it"

I licked my lips because just the thought of that made me hungry and excited.

"Hello Eyeless"

"Hello boss"

"How is the human doing"

"The human is doing alright.....and I'm done"


Boss grabbed the human with his tendrils and teleported away.

"Dang it,I really wanted to taste the human...welp"

Elijahs/Shadow POV
I woke up on the floor. I looked around my surroundings. I was so confused. I realised that there are four candles around me and Im im the middle of some type of symbol.
(Ms.Introvert: I drew some type of explanation if that make sense. The pic is above. Sorry if it's a little blurry.)

All of the sudden I heard someone chanting something and then I felt pain everywhere in my body. I felt like my soul and life was being sucked out of my body. The pain was so unbearable, I passed out.

*next day*

I woke up in a room or should I say office. I felt so dead and soulless...and I hated it. A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked around and I saw a very tall man that's really white, with a suit and no face.

"Welcome to the Creepypasta family Shadow. Now that you are awake I shall erase any memories from your past"

"W-wait whats going on"

I panicked and started yelling for help.


I got up and tried running but these tentacle like things grabbed me.

"Im sorry child,you are one of us now"

I passed out.

*Half an hour later*

I woke up with no memory at all. I don't remember any thing. I noticed that I was on a chair.

"Welcome to the Creepypasta family Shadow. I shall now introduce you to the your family."

Narrators POV
After that moment Elijah was known as Shadow. A new proxy. He would live with them for years to come before he finds Elsa,Luna and Mor in the woods.

Now we shall go a few hundred years forwards back to Mor and Jack shall we.

Mors POV
I woke up to birds chirping and....the of food!?.

So I looked for Jack and he wasn't in the tent. So I went out of the tent and saw him cooking breakfast. Jack noticed me.

"Well hello snowflake,how was your sleep"

"It was good"

"Eat your breakfast quick because I have a surprise for you"


*time skip to when they are done eating breakfast.*

Jack was done packing everything up so we went back to the North pole and into our room.

"Soooo what's the surprise"

"Just follow me"


So I followed Jack amd noticed we were at tooths place.

"Why are we at tooths place"

"I was thinking about for awhile,because I think you have the right to know your past. So I brought you here so you can know your past."

"Really!? I didnt even know that I had a past"

"Well you do, TOOTHINA"

All of the sudden Toothina flies in.

"What happened,is someone hurt. *gasps* Is Pitch back"

"No don't worry Tooth.I just wanted to ask if you had Mors capsule."

"Hmmm I actually don't know,I will go check...wait why"

"I want Mor to know her past"

"Oh okay, I will go check"

Toothina came back with a capsule.

"Here it is"

Toothina gave the capsule to Jack and then left. Jack then gave it to me.

"Put your hand over the capsule when your ready"


I put my hands over the capsule and the memories begin.

*Timeskip to after the memories come to her*

After the memories were done I gasped and starting crying.

"Hey are you okay"

"Y-yeah,I'm just over whelmed that's it"

All of the sudden one person came to my mind.

"*gasps* Gabby,Omg my best friend Gabby, I got to go check on her"

I was about to fly away but Jack stopped me.

"Wait Mor don't bother checking up on her"


"A few hundred years past remember, Im sorry Mor...she's dead.
Word count: 1059

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