Part 7

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I woke up to the slight rocking of the ship and the empty bed next to me. I get out of bed and see Seb reading on the balcony. I walk out to feel the slightly crisp Christmas morning air. When Seb notices I'm out there he gets up and hugs me from behind. "Merry Christmas," he tells me. "Merry Christmas," I tell him before giving him a peck on the cheek. "I have gifts for you," I tell him. "Me too," he says. 

I walk back into our room and grab the boxes for him. I bring them out and hand his first gift to him.  

He opens the jacket from mr

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He opens the jacket from mr.porter and gasps. "I have wanted this for a month, but I never got this!" he says in excitement. I then give him his next gift which is a nice leather duffle bag. 

"Donna, why do you spoil me?" he says while feeling the soft leather bag

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"Donna, why do you spoil me?" he says while feeling the soft leather bag. I then hand him the Gucci box sitting next to me. 

"Donna, I can't take this it's too much," he says

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"Donna, I can't take this it's too much," he says. "No, you have too. I know how much you wanted this watch, so I thought it was my turn to spoil you for once," I tell him and he tackles me with kisses. "Well, now I have gifts for you, Donna," he says and I sigh, knowing he spent too much money on me. He first hands me a Valentino box. 

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I open it to see a gold floral necklace and a beautiful black dress

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I open it to see a gold floral necklace and a beautiful black dress. I try to say thank you, but no words will come out. I look at Seb in shock and he asks, "Do you like it?" and I just shake my head because I can't formulate words. He then hands me a Channel box. 

I open it to see a purse I have wanted for as long as I remember

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I open it to see a purse I have wanted for as long as I remember. At this point, I start crying. "What's wrong darling?" Seb asks. "This is too much, I love you," I tell him. "I love you so much Donna, and that's why I spoiled you. But I have one last component to this outfit," he says and hands me a Loubition box. 

I open it to find a beautiful pair of boots

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I open it to find a beautiful pair of boots. After that I run up to Seb and kiss him. He is the man of my dreams and all I want is him. I honestly can't imagine a life without him. "You are the best Sebastian Miranda," I tell him. "You are the best Donna Ramos," he tells me back. 

We both walk out onto the deck after dinner to watch the sunset. I can only think about how much my parents would love this. My dad and I would always watch the evening sunsets on Sunday nights on top of our roof. He would also would always sneak ice cream up and mom would get so mad at us for it, but end up joining anyways. As I am remembering all of this I don't even feel tears streaming down my face. 

"Honey, what's wrong?" Seb asks me. "I was just remembering my dad and how we would watch sunsets together," I say cuddling into Seb. "He would be so proud of you right now," Seb says. "Why, I feel like a train wreck," I say honestly. "To start off you are so incredibly strong. You are handling this with such grace and you are staying strong and living, as opposed to staying cooped up in your room crying. You also are so beautiful inside and out. You are the most caring person, the most selfless, and the strongest," he tells me. 

I walk inside to turn on a Christmas movie before crawling into our bed. Soon after Seb lays down next to me. Before I know it I pass out in the love of my life's arms. 

Word Count-785

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