Tasks (pt.1) | C. Diggory

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"Ced! Wait up!" He and two of our other friends stopped walking and turned to face me. He smiled widely.

"Hey, (y/n)." Once I had caught up, we all started walking again.

"Congrats on being the Hogwarts champion!"

"One of the Hogwarts champions," he corrected. I rolled my eyes. "And thank you."

"Are you nervous?" I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Cedric. I know that he's a talented wizard and he's quite capable. But the Triwizard tournament was dangerous! There was a reason I didn't put my name in the goblet. I had secretly hoped that Cedric wouldn't either.

"Eh, a little. I'm trying not to get too into my head worrying about it. Not yet at least."

"That's good." We reached our potions class and the other two guys left to go to their class. We went to our usual seats next to each other. "Do you want to study together after class and maybe start trying to figure out what the first task may be?"

He stopped getting out his books and looked at me. "You really wanna help me?" I scoffed and looked away from him.

"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't want to help you with this?"

He smiled and thanked me before turning back to his books.


Cedric held up the golden egg triumphantly. An exclamation of excitement and relief left my lips. He had done it! I hurried out of the stands so I could go to meet him. I found him at the base of the arena. His father had him in an embrace and others were already waiting to congratulate him. I waited patiently for my chance.

His eyes met mine through the crowd and his already bright smile seemed to widen. He pushed past some second years. Before I knew it, he was hugging me tightly and saying things I couldn't make out. I giggled and held him back as best I could. When he released me, he held me back by my shoulders.

"You were brilliant!" I gushed. "Bloody brilliant, Ced!"

"You were the brilliant one for giving me the tips on how to distract that thing."

"It was nothing. You're the champion after all," I said, brushing off his compliments. I wished my blush would disappear.

"A title is just title."

We went to sit and watch the rest of the champions face their dragons.


"The water worked!" I looked up from my books to see Cedric walking towards me. His hair was still dripping wet and he was carrying the golden egg. He set it down on the table between us as he sat down. "We were right about the water!"

"Woah! So, what happened?"

"It sang!"

I had to hold back a laugh. "What do you mean it sang?"

"It sang underwater! It's a clue about the next task!" He fished in his pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper. He began reading off what he had heard.

"Well, I'm glad we know now. We have plenty of time to figure this one out."

He sighed and put the paper back into his pocket. He rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands. I gently closed my textbook.

"Do you want to go do something?" He looked back at me curiously. "You seem stressed and you deserve a bit of celebration for what you did. Some of the Hufflepuff guys were wanting to throw a party to celebrate the first task. Why don't we go do that?"

His lips curled up into a small smile. "Are you sure you don't want to keep studying?"

"I'm positive," I said, letting out a light chuckle. "This is so boring. I need a break."

He helped me gather my things before we walked out of the library. He had the egg slung under his right arm while the left hung lazily between us. When we got to the Hufflepuff common room, we got things together for a small party. It was my job to go room to room and invite everyone. Within an hour, it was a pretty big event.

Music was playing as people danced and cheered. I was standing near the fireplace and drinking pumpkin juice. I was glad that everyone was having a good time. Although I sometimes felt left out and in the background, I didn't mind it too much.

"Having fun?" I turned to see Cedric next to me. I wondered how long he'd been there.

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you sure?" His voice softened.

"Yeah. Parties aren't really my thing, but I am enjoying myself." He nodded and sipped his drink. "What about you? Do you feel like a champion?" I asked, nudging his shoulder.

He laughed. "I'm having a good time. Still not sold on the whole champion thing."

"You seem to enjoy it when everyone else calls you that," I pointed out.

"I can't let them think I'm scared or ungrateful! I have to represent the school." He was scanning the room as he talked. "You, on the other hand, I can't lie to. You see through it."

I could feel a blush creep up my neck. I just stared down into my drink. "I'm glad you trust me."

"Of course. You've always been there for me and I know you're gonna keep being there for me."

"Thank you for being there for me." I finally willed myself to look up. I was surprised to find him already staring back at me. He was smiling tenderly and I couldn't help but mimic it.


"Cedric!" We both turned to face the group of guys that had approached us. "We're gonna go and sneak out some more food from the kitchens. Do ya wanna come with us?"

He turned back to me. I gestured for him to go.

"Give me a second. I'll meet you guys out there." They nodded before walking off. Cedric set his drink down on the mantle. "So, you know how the Yule Ball is coming up?"


"Are you planning on going?"

"Um, I'm not sure yet. Maybe if I get asked," I said shrugging. "Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go with me?"

I attempted to keep my excitement on the inside. "Like, as friends? Or?"

"As a date. I was hoping, at least." He seemed so nervous. It was endearing. I smiled and looked away. "Will you go with me?"

"Yes!" I finally said.

"Perfect!" He glanced towards the door. "I should probably go meet up with those guys. But I'll see you when I get back?"

"Alright." I was still smiling up at him. He leaned down to press a kiss to my cheek before walking away.

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