Chapter 1

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It was a calm night in Sayreville, New Jersey. The band, Bon Jovi, was in their studio working overtime tonight. They have only a few days to work on their new album before the cut off date.
"Alright, how about this. Let's do like a non traditional song." Alec said. Jon raised an eyebrow and pointed to him.
"Like kind of an old fashioned country song. Us having a nice little jam session to end the record." Jon looked at the other guys.
"I like what Al's talking about but I wanna hear what the rest of you think."
"I like it, we could possibly even incorporate some blues elements into it with my guitar." Jon nods and looks at Tico.
"Would you mind doing a little singing on it?"
"I'm not that good but I'll do a tiny bit."
"And of course David and Alec will sing on it too for some background vocals." Both David and Alec nodded. Richie was writing something down and then gave it to Jon.
"How about that Jon? Love For Sale. Does that sound like a good title?"
"Oh I like that. That sounds like an old country song just from the title. Okay boys lets get to work." They started to write the song and play around a little. Outside of the studio, a woman roamed the streets. Her basket that she towed has a precious object inside that she couldn't take care of. She needed some place to put it so that the people there could take care of it. She went to a building that looked like an orphanage and pushed the intercom thinking it was a doorbell. She then set the basket down and ran off.
"Hello? Who rang the intercom? Hello?" Diane, Bon Jovi's secretary said on the other end. She hung up the intercom and sighed. She then went out there to find the basket. She took the basket upstairs and knocked on the studio door. Alec answered it with a smile.
"Hey Diane, what's up?"
"I guess someone left this here for you guys. I couldn't find a note but here you go." He took the basket and went back inside.
"Al, what is that?" Richie said while pointing to the basket.
"I don't know but it feels heavy."
"Must be a heavy fruit basket or something." Tico looked at the basket.
"If it's a fruit basket then why is there like a baby blanket covering it? Give me that, Al." He said as he held his hand out. Alec gave him the basket carefully. Tico pulled the blanket back to reveal a little baby girl sitting inside. He gasped and looked at the guys. The guys immediately stopped.
"What's wrong Tico? Did we get more anonymous nudes? Because I'll take them." Richie said. Tico shook his head as he took the baby out slowly. He then cradled her. The boys crowded around him.
"It's a baby...who would give a baby as a gift to us?" Jon said with a confusing tone. Both Alec and Tico shot him a look.
"Clearly, the woman who brought this child here wanted to take her to an orphanage but thought that this place looked like an orphanage. We can't keep this child, I don't think any of us are ready to take care of a child." Alec said as he started to pace back and forth. The little girl woke up, her eyes fluttered open to look at the four men around her. She then smiled a little up at them. Alec was pacing in that direction when he saw it.
"Actually I think we can keep this girl. She is an adorable little shit just from that smile she flashed us." He said as he looked down at the child. All the guys nodded in unison. David walked over to the basket and looked around in it. He found a birth certificate and two letters. One addressed to the people who received the baby and one for the baby herself.
"Guys, we have a note."
"READ IT!" Richie whisper yelled. David opened it up and read it in his head.
"It's a letter from the girls mother asking the person who received her to take care of it and give her the other letter when she's 18."
"Does the mother state who she is?"
"Nope, I got nothing for that."
"What about her birth certificate?"
"I see a signature for a mother and father but I can't read them. Their handwriting is messy." Tico looked up from the baby.
"Does she have a name by any chance?"
"Nope...hey! We get to name her!" David said as he grabbed a pen and walked over. He then sat down on the floor.
"We need to come up with one."
"Rose." Jon suggested. Everyone voted that down.
"Tiffany." Richie said with a tiny smile. That name got voted down.
"Lucy." Alec suggested, shot down once again.
"Amelia." Tico said with a small smile. For once everyone agreed on it.
"How about this as a full name, Amelia Rose Bon Jovi..." David said before writing it down. The guys agreed on it and it was official at last.

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