Getting settled

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"So this is your new room" Esteban told me. I looked around and saw my favourite band the wiggles poster on the wall!

"Esteban, how did you know I liked the wiggles?" I asked him.

"I talked to your parents" he told me.

My room was quite simple, it had bright orange walls ,with a bright pink bed,a small closet, and a huge green book shelf in the corner.

"I'll leave you to get unpacked" Esteban told me.

As soon as he left I started to sort through my clothes.

I had a lot of shirts with funny quotes like:oops I ran out of drugs or my mom is a cactus.

Other people would have band tee shirts of like 10 direction or 567 minuets of winter but I think my style is much better than theirs.

While I was unpacking I couldn't get the thought of mr moseby out of my head.

Everything about him was just perfect.

After I was done unpacking I decided to go see what Esteban was doing, but when I saw him I immediately wished that I would have stayed in my room.

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