Chapter 1

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'Sara I miss you so much, that thing we created so many years ago has been missing for two years I truly am sorry that IT got to you before I could save you'
~ love Austin

The moon glowed as if it was it were a star that was the color of lilac, the sky was a mix of dark blues and purples. The stars littered the sky and looked like they where about to dance. The house was a light grey mixed with some darker ones. The drive way was so big it could fit 3 cars with ease. The street was quiet and vivid with colors littering the walls and grass. The music of the wind was like a concert different trees combined a made new additions to the song. The lights were all off at every house making the windows black with the look of an everlasting void inside.
A little blue car that was from the 2XXXth year special. A doctor and his wife entered the drive way. The song playing was a song by 'The queen of clubs'. A band that once was not even known, then became so popular  practically everyone listens to them. As they got in the drive way a sound so quiet that if a siren were to hear it then that siren would forget it's purpose. The doctor's wife was crying she was one of the many people who could not give birth to a child.
The woman opened the door with grace, her raven hair dancing in the wind. The corners of her eyes were red from crying. She was pale from staying inside and not getting enough son. Even though it was night her eyes were still a vivid gold color in her right eye, the left was a blue. Both eyes were filled to the brim with sadness and desperation.
The mans voice broke the soft sound of the cries of the woman. Sara please stop crying your to sweet and caring to cry about this. The mans voice boomed with care. He had chocolate brown skin and freckles that looked like he was kissed by thousands of faries. Sara kept looking down but shook her head yes. She moved with grace and speed to her loving husband. It looked as if time move at half the speed.
Her hair flew in the wind like a hundred feathers flying through wind. The second her hair fell the world went back to its normal speed. She brought her chin to his chest her eyes still engulfed by sadness. His strong and still hands cupped her checks his eyes loving but sorry.
Light and darkness dancing in there eyes, the wind had stopped the music died out. The man held his wife and then guided her into the house. The archway was marble the floor was stone. She looked like the pale ghosts in a Japanese tail. Her hair was the thing she believed would last forever.

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