Chapter 2

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Sara I'm so sorry will you ever forgive me for letting that thing come home with us? Now your one of them, a walking mindless corpse.
~Love Austin

When they went inside all that can be said was the woman went to bed. The man had a glass of wine in his study. The house was covered in a gray wall paper that had lilacs with vines going all across the top. The couches had black leather with pillows that were dark purples and grays.
The windows shadows were dancing. The stars were almost like a letter  in the sky. The man went to sleep, his wife cuddled into his chest though it was dark her smile was as bright as the sun.
In the morning a letter was left in the mailbox. The man went and retrieved it then came inside. He then sat down on the couch the to read the letter. It was in a white envelop, but the paper was yellow with age. 'Hello, it has come to my attention that you and your wife have no way of producing a child. That's actually funny I can give you a child. But if you want on of your own blood and your wife I suggest that you bring here with you. To the woods right next to the park on 21st street.' The mans wife came down 10 minutes later asking him why he was getting ready to leave. The man didn't have work so what was he doing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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