{ 1 } Birthday Disaster

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{ Silver's POV }

I was dressing for the birthday party that I was going to go to for my little sister Bella. I groaned and threw the outfit onto the floor.

I punched the wall furiously and made a hole above the doorknob.


A quiet voice asked and I looked to see Embry, my imprint, fellow wolf, and boyfriend standing next to the window where he had just came in through. "These are vampires, not wolves." I said and he nodded in understanding. "Wear your leather jacket, jeans, and your white t-shirt."

He suggested and I sighed. I coughed and he sighed and turned around.

I changed and he looked again and smiled. "Nice. But this will do it."

And he tossed me a box.

I opened it and saw a beautifully crafted necklace made of pure silver, with a wolf's head charm that was painted gray and black on it.

"Happy Birthday." He said and I kissed his cheek. "Thanks Em. Now get your ass on Patrol before Sam freaks." I said and he smiled and kissed me before leaping out the window again.

I sighed and tied the clothes to my ankle with a string and phased as I leaped out the window. I raced off across the scent line and stopped a few feet away from the Cullen House, on the very edge of the tree-line.

I pulled on my clothes and walked into sight of the Cullen House.

Recently, I had learned how to drop my shield for a few seconds at a time. I used this ability now. "Hey Edward. I'm here. Where's Bella?" I thought and he appeared in front of me.

"She's on her way here with Alice and Rosalie." He said and I nodded. The car pulled up and I looked at him and he nodded. I saw Carlisle and Esme appear with Jasper who was smiling slightly, but it didn't touch his eyes.

I looked at Edward who shook his head slightly and I nodded. So Jasper was the newest vegetarian. I thought and I nodded to myself slightly as I thought it through. I smiled slightly as Bella walked towards us with Rosalie and Alice. "Hey Bella." I said and put my hands in my pockets of my jacket.

"Hey Silver. Didn't know if you could make it." Bella said and I forced a more sincere smile on my face.

"Well the pa... group can make it without me for one night, even if they have to eat everything in the house."

I said and she smiled. I silently scolded myself. If I had said pack in front of them, I might as well have invited myself to get killed.

"Let's go inside for presents." I said and she smiled and I fingered my Quilete necklace and smiled slightly.

I realized that I always carried the pack with me, by wearing their symbol on my necklace, bracelet, and the tattoo on my right arm.

I smiled slightly and shook my head, remembering where I was.

I jogged inside after the Cullens.

"I feel underdressed."

I said and Bella chuckled lightly as I spoke. She opened the one from me and there was a framed sketch of her and Edward, colored and everything, on their first date. "How..." Bella said and I looked at her and smiled.

"It's my specialty. Happy birthday."

I said and punched her in the shoulder as lightly as I could.

The next one was from Emmett and it was empty and I smiled.

"The stereo is already installed in your truck. I gave Emmett a hand installing it. There's finally a good sound system in that piece of..."

I started and Bella looked at me.

"Don't hate on the truck."

She said and I chuckled.

"It's why I prefer motorcycles."

I said and she tried to open the one from Alice and Jasper, and she got a paper cut.

I immediately slid in front of Bella as Edward pushed her backwards as Jasper charged forward.

I let out a rippling snarl, my wolf barely restrained. "Jasper. Calm down. It's only a little..." Alice started and I turned to see a lot of blood covering Bella's arm. "Blood." And I snarled and stood in front of Bella protectively. I snarled at Carlisle.

"It's alright." He said and I nodded, remembering that he had supreme self control around human blood.

I backed off only slightly as Jasper, Rosalie, Alice, Emmett, and Esme ran outside with Edward. I watched as Carlisle stitched Bella up. "Who was the one growling? And snarling? It sounded like a wolf or something." Bella said and Carlisle caught my eye and I shook my head, begging him with my eyes not to tell her anything.

He nodded slightly.

"I'm not sure. Maybe Emmett, he likes to prove how loud he can be." He said and I sighed with relief. "I've got to get back to La Push, but I'll see you guys later." I said and raced off, running as fast as I could to get back to La Push.

I phased at some point on the way there and I slammed to a stop outside of Embry's house. He looked down and leaped out the window.

"What's wrong?" He whispered as I was curled around myself and crying.

"I... I almost phased in front of all of them. Bella would've killed me. I.. I can't do this." I said and he looked at me, his eyes wide.

"What do you mean?" He asked, trying to read my expression.

"Stay with Emily. Maybe I'll come back." I said and suddenly dove into wolf form and raced off.

"Silver!" Embry shouted, but I ignored him as I raced off. I raced through the woods, my paws thrumming the ground as I ran.

"Hold up! Our legs aren't as long as yours!" And I turned to see Paul and Jared catching up to me. "Go home!"

I snapped and they grunted.

"Not a chance. You almost gave Embry a heart attack. Where are you going anyways?" Paul asked. "Away from La Push. I need to be on my own. Now go Away!" I snapped and they sighed.

"Fine. But if we need help, you're coming back right?"

Paul asked and I looked at him, the one wolf who never asks for help and is the temper of the pack.

"If you need help howl. You know the drill." And I disappeared again, racing off, and this time, they didn't follow me.

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