Little feet (Teen pregnancy story)

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                                       The summer of 2012. My world changed. I was 15. I was young. I was dumb and looking for fun.My freinds wacthed as I crashed and burned. If it wasn't  for Max it would have killed me.

           Summer 2012:

                   "Saphire! your not going to that pool party and thats final! I've heard terriable, terriable things about what happens at Dylans annual pool party!"

"Urghh mum! Everyone goes, like even the Dawsons go for fuck sake!"

"Don't swear at me Saph and I dont care about the Dawson twins! at least there passing maths, unlike you, you got an E in your last test! an E! besides your grounded, remember?"

          I walk off, theres no way she's gonna say yes, I'll have to leave from my bedroom window I guess. I get a text from Shanon. "do u wanna meet up b4 the party"

"I cant im not meant to be going so i'll get there at like 10:30 or sumthin" I reply to her. Within secounds she replys back. "k ill get there at 10:30  itll liven up then"

It's about 10 o'clock now and I think everyones gone to bed. I have to go to the pull party! I pull on my bikini and vest and shorts. I climb out my biggest window and balance on the outside ledge. Luckily my bedroom is above the front door, which has a porch so I jump onto the top of the porch and jump on the ground. I walk down my road and reach Dylans house. There is loud music and the sound of laughter and shouting. I walk through the gate which leads to the pool. I whip of my vest and shorts and jump right in. Dylan swims over to me. "Hey beautiful,"

"Hey Dylan,"
"Nice bikini," He smirks

"Erm, thanks I guess,"

Everyone is jumping around in the pool, or dancing to the music. I grab a glass of whatever drink was there. I spat it out. It tasted like piss. "don't drink that shit, here," Trevor, a guy from my English class hands me a can  of beer.

"Thanks," I drink the can and chuck it on the floor.

"You can have this as well," He says passing me a ciggerate.

"what is it?" I ask, I hate smoking but I have to do it when people offer it to me don't I?

"Weed." He says. I reluctantly take it and smoke it.

 Then Shanon arrives. Drinking a berr. "Hey girl!" She says to me, spotting me.


Everyone is jumping and splashing to the new fast beat song which has come on, I grab another can of Trevors beer. And after that another one and another one. "Hey baby girl, slow down yeah?" Trevor says to me putting his arm round me. "Fuck of Trevor" I say, scurnching up my finnished can and shoving it into his hand then jumping back in the pool. "Saphire babe! don't get angry with Trev,"

"Err, don't tell me what to do," I say and slap him hard.

"Ouch Saph!" Dylan says "For a girl, that kinda hurt!"

"Sorry Dylan," I grumble like a bloody 5 year old misbehaving.

"That's a good girl!" he chuckles. I grin sarcastically and step out of the pool. I walk over to a group of guys I recognised from school when I trip and fall flat on my face. Luckily no one actually noticed. well so I thought. Max, one of the guys from the group I was just approaching walks over to me. "I'm fine Max," I say attempting to get up. Max grabs both my arms and helps me up. He then blushes and says "Erm Saph, your kinda... showing," He says. I look down and my bikini had slipped a bit from when I fell and wasn't exactly "covering" I quickly pulled it up embarresed. "Are you ok Saphire?" he asks sounding genuninly concerned. "Of course I am," I reply. Apart from the fact that he watched me fall over and more importantly I "flashed" him. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No!" I say I turned around and picked up another can of whatever I can find.

"Hey Saphire! come over here!" Shannon shouts to me. I turn to walk towards her when I slip. I hit my head hard on the ground.

      "Saphire, Saphire, are you ok darling?" I hear a recognisable voice say. I open my eyes to find myself on my bed. I feel like shit. My head pounds, I've got a horriable taste in my mouth. "What happened?" I then see my mum, walking towards my bed.

"Well, you went against what I said, very iresponsably and went to Dylans pool party, Not only this but you got so drunk you hit and fell on the side of the pool. Then a very nice lad, I deffinatly approve of carries you to our house and sits with you all night with you throwing up! A real gentleman he was.

    "What? That's so embarising!" I say mortified!

"Well, I approve of him, much better then your last boyfreind! Ricky, who was bloody six years older then you,"

I sit up. My head pounds from sitting up so fast and I hold my head.

"Anyway, your obviously ill so you should sleep it off,"
"What, mum I dont have a boyfreind, who was the guy who came?"

"Really? well he's a keeper babe, I know you'd be safe when out with him, and he had curly brown hair and blue eyes and a very nice six pack,"

"Max," I whisper. Max had stayed up with me all night. Max had carried me back home. Max really cared. Max.

"Get some sleep now, oh and your grounded," I hear my mum say as she shouts the door.

I groan.

               And thats it for part one, tell me what you think! it means a lot

byeee. I'll upload part 2 soon!

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