12. Intel (Julio)

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Julio's P.O.V.:

Three days passed and I was starting to get the hang of the whole job thing. They had trained me to go out as a spy and receive intel over the kingdoms. I felt horrible doing so but I had no choice. It was either that or my head would be cut off. And I don't know about you but I'd rather live.

"Hunter" I heard someone call. It took me a while to remember that Hunter was my fake name here in the Fire Kingdom. I turned my head to the side and asked, "Yes?"

"I just found out that the king is planning to raise a barrier around the kingdom so that the Vitsus won't be able to break in. You and I are one of the guys who have to raise it."

I groaned and said, "Ugh, alright, I understand."

When we raised the barrier it took us about 20 to 40 men to put it up it took us a while but we got it.

"Yes, we're finally done! The only way they'll be able to get in is to jump over which is quite impossible or they could just get in through the underground tunnel right outside."

"There is? And we're done right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we gotta be on guard duty for another hour."

I groaned and rolled my eyes and said, "Fiiiiiiine."

So for the remaining time after I finished my shift in guarding the kingdom from the Vitsus I sneaked out of the kingdom and left no traces. I walked and walked till I made it to the Kingdom of Darkness and asked to pass.

"What's the password?" asked the guy guarding the entrance.

"482xmtacos," I replied.

"Oh, welcome back, Julio, my bro!" Yoto said as he opened the doors in order for me to come inside.

"What's up, man??" We gave bro hugged and I stepped into the building.

"Nothin' much. Did you gather any intel while you were in the Fire Kingdom?"

"Actually, yes, I did. Apparently they're building a barrier in order for us Vitsus to not get in. There's no other way to get through but there is a secret path underground."

"Oh, well, we won't really have trouble then! You gotta inform the king about this, man."

"I will, I will, well, talk to ya later, bro."

"Yeah, see ya later."

I started walking towards the King's office looking at my surroundings. I swear, this place can get really boring. All the walls are gray and the ground is plain black, like can it get any more sadder in here??

I knocked on the door to Jame's main office. I heard a loud,


I replied loudly back,

"It's Julio, sir! I am here to deliver some intel to you!"

"Oh, you're aloud to pass."

I opened the door and it made a loud creaking sound and I shut it behind me when I made it fully into the room.

"What is it?"

"Well, the Fire Kingdom just built a barrier over the kingdom and there is no way to get into the kingdom other than the tunnel underground."

He grabbed his cup of wine and drank out of it slowly and set it back down on the table gently.

"I see. Well, I guess we could start moving towards the kingdom tonight so we can get to work."

I nodded.

"Yes, sir. That would be a good idea."

"Well, don't just stand there you idiots! Get to work!!"

With that he dismissed us to our next mission: Destroying The Fire Kingdom


I know that was short but hey, I rarely have time to update anymore. :/

I'm so sorry for the wait. ;-;

I hope you enjoyed it! :D

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