The girl's mistake

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I ran as fast as I could, the wind bumped hard against my blue sweater and I felt my palpitation in my throat. Most people saw me coming and tried to avoid me.

I had a bouquet of flowers in my hands that i tried to desperately protect from the wind.

I zigzagged through the streets and began to suffer from my breathing, damn you asthma. I quickly glanced at a street clock and realized it was already 9 o'clock.

I was suppose to be in the hospital at 9 o'clock.

I tried to run even faster, I had to, this was more important than my health.

I ran as fast as I could until.
I felt a leg, and then. The ground, I quickly got up and looked behind me, there I saw a woman with long curly ginger hair. She looked confused.

Maybe it's because I'm well and politely brought up, maybe I'm just nice.
For in an impulse I took the flowers, and pulled out two that I gave her, I turned around and started running again.

I did not look back.
My sister lied in a big bed with white blankets and a white cushion. Her eyes were closed and lots of wires were attached to her every body part.

My parents were already there, but they excused me for being late. I stood at the end of the bed, staring at my resting sister.

"She's in coma" a doctor said, i simply couldn't believe it.

My sister was the most cautious and safe person there was. In fact i'd like to say that she was hecking paranoid. Always looking 4 times right and 4 times left before crossing a road. The same person that had never gone out before because she thought that someone would slip something in her drink and murder her.

That sister, lied here. In a coma.

Because she slipped on a wet floor and hit the stone wall with her head.

Just, wow.

"You can go home, we'll talk more to the doctors" my parents said. I looked once more at the figure in the bed, i went over and gave her a light hug. Not that she would feel it, but i wanted to anyway.

I looked at one of the doctors and asked:"When will she wake up?"

The doctor looked at my sister, wrinkles appeared on his forehead as he began thinking, then he turned to me and said in a rather positive voice:"Hmm, don't take my word for it. But i bet she'll be awake in a few weeks at most." I nodded and slowly walked out of the door, i hate hospitals.


"Skye, out. now!"

I looked confused to my math teacher, Mr. Parker. he saw angry and pointed firmly with a finger towards the door. "How dare you sleep through my lessons! You sleep at home not at school!".

I yawned unconsciously, shit. Was i this tired? "Sorry mister it won't happen again.."


I sat for a couple more seconds, this is the first time ever i got send out of a class. Some students grinned and others i saw visibly facepalm. This was the second class we ever got from Parker but i didn't like him already. Can't a person rest in peace??

He once more pointed at the door, i sighed and picked up my stuff. Outside of the classroom i sat down on a bench and stared at the wall. I should have probably gone to the principal like a good girl. Instead i leaned back against the wall and took out my phone. Wtf was wrong with me today.

I sat there for about 5 minutes until a girl came walking by, i glanced at the girl. Yet it's almost as if she forgot how to walk and stopped in her tracks.

I looked up from my phone, immediately regretting it as our eyes met and i quickly looked away. ooh lord please just walk on, this very awkward.

She did the complete opposite however, suddenly walking towards me confidently and sat down next to me. She spread her legs out pretty far and stared at me, just. fucking. stared.

Eventually i put down my phone, trying to gain enough confidence and faced her."Hi?"

Oh god that was bad.

I was too afraid to say anything else, my mouth would open but no words came out. I would give her appearance the fault here, she was bulky. Had long dirty blond rough hair and sharp grey eyes that stared right through me.

She grinned and leaned back just like i did. "Why ye sitting here all alone sweetheart?" she asked while staring at the ceiling.

"I.... I fell asleep in class and got send out..."

She laughed at loud while turning to face me. "Well well, i would have never expect that of someone looking like you. My name is Annabelle, but you can call me Anne sweetie.~" She smirked once more before standing up.

A light shock went through my body as she placed her hand on my shoulder. Probably waiting for me to tell my name in return. "S-skye!" I blurred out nervously while immediately looking away from her.

Shit she must think i'm really weird.

I didn't hear anything for some time. Eventually I turned around and got confronted with her face that was mere inches away from mine. Her cheeks were red.

Eventually she smirked, backed off and blew me a kiss. "I'll see you around... Skye~"

I was left behind in a confused state. But i did not have long to think about the situation as the bell rang and everyone began walking out of the classroom. Making loud noises.

I stood up and was about to walk away when Ms. Smith stopped me in tracks.

"Skye i heard from Mr. Parker that you were sleeping during class. And even after you got send out you did not go to the principal. If i have to be honest here, i'm quite disappointed in you."

I hated it whenever someone would be mad at me, no matter whom it was. I felt some tears coming up as result. "S-sorry ma'am. won't happen again." I answered while looking down.

She looked at me with a frown, sighed visibly and placed a finger under my chin, pushing my head up so i was looking straight into her eyes.

"Come after school to my office... ok?"

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