The Only Girl at Durmstrang (HP FAN FIC)

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"I'm sorry darling but we have to cut your hair short" my mother said

"but mum I don't want to, why can't I just go to Hogwarts?" I said with tears in my eyes but dare not let them fall.

"you know your father and I don't approve of Dumbledore, and it was your fault you got kicked out of Beauxbatons, and the only magic school left is Durmstrang." my mother said in a irritated voice

"but Durmstrang is an all boys school, obviously a couple more things stick out other than my hair" I said pointing to my breasts.

 I think I should tell you my background first so that you can understand what is happening to me. On my last day of my third year at Beauxbatons I was told by the head mistress Madame Maxime  I had been kicked out of Beauxbatons because of obsessive rule breaking. I asked my parents if they would let me go to Hogwarts, but just the mention of that school makes my father very upset, but my mother wasn't ecstatic about the idea so they both said no to Hogwarts. The only magic school left was Durmstrang an all boys school for wizards. I still have to finish my schooling so I have no choice in the matter. I thought if writing Professor Dumbledore but even if I got my acceptance letter my parents would still say no, no matter what I'm stuck going to Durmstrang.

My Father walked into the living room were my mother and I were sitting

"Theresa we are going to be late for our meeting with the head master of Durmstrang." my father said to my mother.

"Emily are you coming with us?" asked my mother.

"There is no way I'm going to that hell hole"

"excuse me young lady? You are going to that school if you like it or not, you have no choice !" said my father in almost a yell.

"and if I don't get in?"

"then we will figure something else out." my mother steps in.

I hugged my parents good bye and they disapparated. I made some tea and sat on the couch reading a muggle book Romeo & Juliet. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep only to be woken by a loud crack I took my wand in my hand and slowly walked to where the sound came from, I walked into the kitchen.

"OHH" I jumped "mum you scared me" I said putting my hand to my chest.

"oh I'm sorry love"

"so where's dad?"

"he will be here soon" said  mum

I poured two  cups of  tea for mum and I, after sitting and sipping tea in silence my father apparated home

"good news." my father chimed

"what?" I said raising my eyebrow

"the head master of Dumstrang said yes. You will be head leader of the students only because you get your own room and and bathroom, all you have to do is share a common room with the other head leader. Now all you have to do is cut your hair and make your self look more like a boy. No matter what, no matter the situation you are to not to tell any one your real name or gender. Do you understand?" my father said

"crystal" I said gritting my teeth

"come on love you have to get up early tomorrow so let's go cut your hair and get you all settled for tomorrow." my mother said putting her hands on my shoulders as we climb the stairs.

I couldn't believe it, I'm going to an all boys school because my parents don't like Dumbledor.

"okay sweetheart you ready?"

I have tears I'm my eyes, this whole thing was so unfair.

"Emily look at me" my mother said pushing my chin up so that our eyes met "It will be okay, you can do this, I know we are asking a lot from-"

"no shit your asking a lot, do you really think I want to do this, I'm only doing this because I have no choice in the matter, and I have to finish my schooling some way!" I said try not to shout.

I sat down hard in my chair and didn't say another word. My mother took out the scissors and started to cut, with every snip and every chunk that hit the floor tears fell from my eyes. When she finished my mother put this wrap thing around my breast so it looked as if I didn't have any. Mum also said a spell so that I would grow a little facial hair to help with the proses. I wanted every minute of this whole thing to be over. All I could wish for is that some how some way this would get better. This thing was crazy, I sometimes pinched my self some times in hope I was dreaming, but it was all too real. You would think I'm crazy for not wanting to go to an all boys school, but if this happens to you, you wouldn't like it either. Why I hate it so much is because my parents are asking me to  forget who I really am, and they just don't understand.

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