Chapter 15 Second Task, Death, and Truth

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I woke up with Aiden's are around my waist. I git up trying not to wake him, I went to the bathroom when I got back he was still asleep. I looked at the time, it was 9:00. the Second task starts at 10:00. I walked over to the window that over looked the Black Lake. It was amazing. I felt hands slip around my hips. Aiden put his chin on my shoulder.

"Good Morning" he said and kissed my cheek


"You looked so beautiful last night"

I turned to look at him "Thank you" I kissed I'm and I deepened the kiss and Aiden started to trail down my neck. then the door burst open.

"Dude it is almost time-" Krum looked up "sorry am I interrupting something"

"YES" Aiden yelled

"Well Karkaroff wants everyone in the great hall in 20 minutes, so its not all my fault" Krum said and then left.

I put my arms around his neck "I guess we will have to finish this later"

"ugh okay, go take a shower and then I will take one and then we can go to the great hall"


I got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom only In a towel. "hey babe and I barrow your cloths again?"

"Oh yeah...suuuure"

He was staring at me "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him

"sorry... here you can wear these"

He handed me another pair of sweat pants and a he let me ware this quidditch hoodie. I changed while he took a shower. he walked out in a towel that was around his waist. "I love how you look in my clothes"

I kissed him and then turned away so he could get dressed. and then we made it to the Great Hall for breakfast. after we ate we walked down to the Black Lake, when we reach the dock I saw Harry and we walked over to him.

"Hey Harry how are you doing this morning?"

"not to well, I cant find Ron or Hermione"

"Don't worry, maybe they are already at the other dock waiting for you."

"yeah come with us in our boat" Aiden said

When we got to the docks it was about to start. the cannon went off and the champions dove in, but it looked like Moody had to push Harry in. I was cheering with everyone else till i hear Neville freaking out.

"oh my god I just killed Harry Potter"

I ran over to Neville "what did you say" before he could answer Harry jump out of the water and did a flip. "dont ever scar me like that again"

I walked back to Aiden and leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around me, It was so cold out. after 30 minutes Flure came out of the water and was disqualefied. after  another 30 minutes Cedirc was the first one to come out of the water with Cho Chang, fallowed by Krum with Mione. Adien and I walked over to Krum and Mione, I wrapped towels around them and Aiden brought thick rodes to keep the warm. "you did great" I said to Krum and gave him a hug. i looked over at Dean, Neville and Seamus they all had worried looks on there faces. "I'll be right back" I told Aidden.

"Hey guys is everything okay?"

"we don't know Harry has been down the for a while" Dean said

"Look it's Ron and Flure's little sister" Seamus said

A minute later Harry shot out of the water choking up water. I ran over to him, I put a big towel around him. "thank god you are okay, I gave him a hug. after the task Aiden and I got back on the boat. "babe Karkaroff want all of his student on the ship he wants to talk to use, so how about you go with you friends and I will meet you at dinner." he said. we got off the boat and onto the dock. "Okay I'll see you later" I said and gave him a kiss on the lips.

I met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, who met up with Hagrid. we walked through the wood that were near the black lake. Harry was walking alone so I jogged over to him. "hey you okay?" I asked him "yeah just a little tired"

"okay I just wanted to check up on you" I said and put my arm around his shoulder. while walking with Harry I saw something odd  I walked closer to it. "OH MY GOD" I screamed, every one ran over to me. "Em what is it" Ron and Harry asked together. I pointed down, at the dead body of Barty Crouch Senior.

I walked down to Dumbldores office and spoke the password "Licorice Wand." I walked up to the door and knocked. "Come in" a faint voice called

"good evening sir" I said to him

"good evening Miss O'Brian, what can I do for you?" he asked

"Sir I think it is time to tell Harry and the others of my parents, because I think something bad is coming, because why would my parents out of the blue get the dark mark for no reason there has to be a reason."

"Miss O'Brian I think you are absolutely correct , Please to get Mister Potter, Weasley , Thomas and Miss Granger."

"Yes Sir... oh Sir may I bring one more person please?"

"Yes Miss O'Brian you may bring your boyfriend."

"Thank you sir"

It was time for the whole truth and I mean everything starting with Durmstang, ending with my parents and their Dark Marks.

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