Something out of the ordinary

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I woke up around 7:30 a.m as usual, I have my alarm set on 7 a clock but I snooze a lot. Just like the typical teenager I guess.
I'm seventeen and live in Georgia with my mom, dad and my little sister Gen. Now you may be thinking "eh... another story about the typical family in america".
Yeah that's true but I like the normal. Standing out or being different isn't really my thing, I'm the girl in the school cafeteria that sits in the corner reading a book about hopeless romantics.

Anyway, I dragged myself up out of the warm comfy bed.
I pulled my hair behind my ears and walked towards the wardrobe.
Jeans and a white t-shirt would have to do. I took a quick look in the mirror, not because I'm obsessed with my looks or anything, but that's just something I do in the morning. It's like another thing in my daily schedule. So I don't go to school with a smudge or dirt on my face.
It was a morning as simple and similar as every other 364 mornings of the year.
I walked down the stairs and met my mom in the kitchen, she read the newspaper and drank her ice coffee.
"Good morning" I said
"... Hey sweetie" she responded
As I was taking the milk out of the fridge I glanced out the window, I didn't give it much thought and closed the fridge.
Then I gave the outside world another look, something was off today. I could feel a kind of tingly sensation that something was out of the ordinary.
"Mom, why is the Johanssons house empty and clean?" I asked
The Johanssons is the old couple living right across the street from ours.
"Oh, yeah they decided to give elderly care a shot. Barbra wasn't feeling to well and Herbert can barely walk and take care of them both"
"Ah, I see. That's too bad, I really liked them"
"Mee too, they were always nice and friendly. We sure can drive by once in a while and say hi "
"That would be nice" I answered with a smile on my lips.

After that, the morning and followning day was  completely normal. I ate my cereal went to school came home, did my homework and ate dinner.
But two weeks later was going to be the beginning of the ending, and nobody knew. Because you know, it was supposed to be a boring and typical day like always.

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