October: Ceasefire

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Tom's plan to sneak Jordan in was overly-elaborate and unnecessary. Jordan had parked his car down the street, noting the sign that warned by six p.m. any cars parked on either side of the street would be towed and the overly cheery Neighborhood Watch sign. He pushed the lanyard with his keys on it into his pocket and approached Tom's house. Without phone communication—this was all supposed to be based off Tom's elaborate instructions he had stopped Jordan at his car for. The wrinkled paper shoved into his hand was written in green highlighter. Jordan was not going to waste time trying to army-crawl across Tom's lawn or hop a fence—Tom had left him an option—and instead just went to Tom's back-door after letting himself in the back-gate, paying no heed to Tom's cat which regarded him with no opinion from where it lay sun bathing.

Jordan waited by the back-door, checking his phone notifications as he heard footsteps and then Tom cracked the door open, grinning at him. "Did you assassin sneak in?"


Tom huffed. "Just be very quiet—my mum's talking to Alice about some dumb school thing and dad's watching TV. If you're deadly silent they won't hear you," Tom cautioned. Jordan knew from experience Tom would make enough noise for the both of them regardless of what he warned Jordan. As they passed the kitchen and living room doorways, neither parent even spared Tom a glance. Jordan briefly felt sorry for Tom's parents who probably by now were used to Tom's antics—from Tony and Josh to whatever Tom got himself into—and it was all going smoothly until...

The cat grassed on them.

It had followed Jordan in and was now purring and rubbing against his legs. As Jordan ascended the stairs—the damn thing was too fat and lethargic to follow him so it let out a loud meow. As Tom turned to shush it, it—being Alice's cat more than his—meowed louder.

Alice went to her cat, cooing and giving it all sorts of undeserved compliments and his mum followed behind her. Tom and Jordan froze on the stairs—but being in plain sight there wasn't much to do. She looked at Jordan in surprise and motioned for both of them to come back down. They did, though Tom was grumbling. She greeted Jordan briefly, but her eyes were on Tom. "Tom, what did I tell you—you're grounded," she reminded him.

"Jordan's going to help me with homework," Tom defended.

Tom's mum looked to him. Jordan dutifully nodded. "Tom's struggling on his English essay." From where Alice was stooped petting her cat, she rolled her eyes. Tom's mother sighed and put her hands on her hips. "I'll allow it—on one condition."

Tom waited.

"I know in that ISS report your principal said you fought another student. I ran into Jordan's mom the other day at Sam's Club the other day and funny enough, she said the same thing!" Tom's expression fell and he saw the flash of guilt on Jordan's face. "Did you two fight?"

"Mum—its nothing—Jordan and I are fine---still good friends," Tom intoned, but his mom didn't believe him for a second. She had turned to look at Jordan as she finished who shifted under her gaze.

"We had a misunderstanding," Jordan admitted.

"Is Tom being mean to you?"

"Oh come on—I'm your son," Tom snapped, but Jordan saw the flash of humor in his eyes.

"No, ma'am."

"Are you sure? He's been doing a lot better in school since you two became as thick as thieves—but I understand if he's been getting to you. He's quite a handful."

Tom snorted, and his mom pulled him into a one-arm hug. Jordan smiled warmly and ducked his head as he laughed. "No, ma'am. He's been...better, these past few days. We were both out of line then," Jordan said, and his mom laughed.

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