October: Building Up

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He left his backpack as he walked over to the office. The ISS door slammed behind him and he walked over to the secretary to the principal offices. He gave her the referral and his student ID wordlessly.

"He'll be with you in ten minutes. He's finishing up a call."

It was only five minutes when the door to Dianite's door opened. He sighed. "You know, most students are referred to vice-principals. Prinicpals usually work with teachers."

"Well we only have one vice-prinicpal, because that other one was fired. Shouldn't have let the one we have go on vacation," Tom tutted as he strode into Dianite's office. Dianite sighed into his hand. He ran the same hand through his stubble. 

"She had a baby, Thomas."

"Huh," Tom sat in the chair across from Dianite who glanced at the referral. He pulled up a file on his computer and rested his chin on steepled hands. "I'm here to file a complaint."

"The teacher's the one who filed a complaint on you, but go on," Dianite offered. Tom took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. He eyed Dianite's picture of his dog sitting on his desk and with renewed energy began his rant.

"Jordan's done nothing wrong and Furia keeps giving him detentions. He didn't get his phone back before she left and therefore didn't have the alarm to wake-up, and he's high anxiety and Furia stresses him out and since his anxiety is as bad as it is even though he won't admit it he should have accommodations, which"—Tom took a deep breath—"should have the rest of his ISS in Gaines's office and shouldn't be yelled at for completing his work early, because Jordan's an A+ student and that's just what he does so—" Dianite cut him off quietly raising his hand.

"Thomas," Dianite said gently, "As much as I understand your devotion to...your friend." Tom snorted. "Jordan would have to bring up these complaints himself  for it go on official record, however," Dianite turned to his computer and noted something down. "I can say if Jordan fills out an appeal for the late-detention it might be granted—lacking a method of communication that inhibits one from getting up on time is a stretch—but given his record it may pass."

Tom leaned forward in his chair to glower at Dianite. "No—Jordan needs out of ISS."

"Thomas—there is a system in place—although I understand your concern," Dianite sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'll discuss this with Gaines. It is a breach of privacy between the school and parents to force a student into a mental health treatment. Yes—if he was on record with his anxiety," Dianite stopped himself as Tom perked up. The man shot him a withering look. "The school is not allowed to interfere in that—that is strictly left to a parent."

"Unless..." Tom pressed.

"Unless nothing, Thomas," Dianite stated. "If he agrees—he can schedule an appointment with Gaines and Gaines might be happy to give him work to do while he's down there—but you can't act on Jordan's behalf. You are not his parent."

"I'm his boyfriend," Tom said.

"You are not Jordan or his parent," Dianite stated, and leaned back in his office chair. He looked over at Tom tiredly. "In the most unprofessional declaration: Tom—you are a young queer boy—nearly an adult—you are not in any position to dramatically change Jordan's life—and that isn't a challenge. You are young and this is your Senior Year—based on the fight in the cafeteria..." Dianite sighed. He let the sentence go unfinished. He again rubbed his face tiredly. He twisted his jaw and looked out the window at the approaching buses filling the circle drive. "It's not my place," he declared. "Thomas, please do try to stay out of my office."

"Wait a damn—darn second," Tom swore. "You were about to suggest I break up with Jordan, because you think this is a shitty relationship, is that it!?" Tom accused. Dianite looked at him.

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